Feast of Dreams
I've put this one on here separately before, but I decided it's too little to be out on its own.
Feast of Dreams
“Food,” said Voronwe.
Tuor sighed in agreement. “Food.”
“Nothing but lembas for a whole week…”
“And you wouldn’t let me kill those orcs…”
Voronwe rolled his eyes with exasperation. “We’ve discussed what happens if you show up at the Hidden City with orcs at your heels, Tuor.” He gave another sigh. “Let me tell you, I’d trade the whole ocean for a plate of steaming hot pancakes right now, with jam on top and a mug of hot cider…”
“Barley stew with big chunks of venison on top.”
“Oysters with lemon like we used to have back in Vinyamar.”
“Potatoes all mashed up with butter and salt, when we could get it.”
“Mince pie and chocolate cake.”
“Hell, I’d even love some of that stew that Aunt Loswen kept in the pot all week and just added things to.”
“By the Valar, you survived on that? Sounds unsanitary.”
Tuor snorted. “Unsanitary? Have you looked at your reflection lately?”
“Have you?”
“Point taken.” Tuor exhaled slowly, watching his breath form in the freezing winter air. Not for the first time, he berated himself for not having left Androth just a few months earlier, so that he wouldn’t have had to struggle through this waist-deep snow and bone-freezing cold, and he’d actually be able to hunt some good game instead of having to choke down that damn awful waybread…but that was in the past, and Tuor made a point of not thinking about the past. His life was short enough.
Under these circumstances, probably even shorter.
A snort of laughter pulled him out of his morbid musings. Tuor glanced at Voronwe to see his friend unsuccessfully attempting to hold back a fit of giggles.
“King Turgon would be so disappointed if he learned we’d died of starvation out here,” Voronwe snickered. “He hates it when he’s beaten to the punch.”
“You expect he’ll be so keen to kill us?”
“Well, you are a stranger…”
“Ah, well,” said Tuor, leaning back with a grin. “He can kill me all he likes, just as long as he feeds me first.”