Friends in High Places
Friends in High Places
“So you’re from…where, exactly?” asked Ecthelion.
“The mountains, ‘round Lake Mithrim,” replied Tuor before taking another swig of his beer. “We lived in this place called the caves of Androth.”
“Hm,” said Glorfindel. “I’ve never been.”
“You’ll want to stay that way, it’s a rotten place,” Tuor said sagely. “Only reason we lived there was because couldn’t nobody attack us in a place so remote.”
Voronwe said nothing. In truth, he was having a hard time getting over the fact that he was sitting in a pub with Glorfindel and Ecthelion, two of the richest and most well-respected gentlemen in the city. He knew, of course, that they only reason they’d invited him along was because he was friends with Tuor, but still, he’d take what he could get.
“And how are you liking the city?” Ecthelion inquired. “Must be a good deal different than what you’re used to.”
Tuor gave an extremely unsophisticated snort. “That’d be the understatement of the century. I’ve never eaten so well in my life. And I don’t understand how you all manage to get up in the morning, with the beds being so comfortable and all.”
Glorfindel laughed. “You have no idea how much trouble I have with that. And what do you think of our royal family? I should point out that being terrified of them is a perfectly normal response and one that most of us have experienced at some point.”
“They’re all right, actually,” said Tuor. “At least the king is. Maeglin…I sort of feel like I’ll want to avoid him.”
“Go with that feeling,” advised Voronwe, glad he had something to contribute to the conversation. “I’ve only spoken to Maeglin about twice and both times I wanted to go hide under something.”
“He has that effect,” Glorfindel agreed. “And Idril? What’s your opinion of Turgon’s lovely unacknowledged heir?”
There was a brief silence, in which Tuor looked embarrassed and seemed to be trying to figure out what to say. Eventually he managed to get out, “Idril…she’s great.”
The other three grinned, and Ecthelion leaned nearer to Voronwe. “This,” he muttered conspiratorially, “is going to be interesting.”