Summer's End by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

Quenya and Sindarin names and other notes. Chapter Text

Author’s Note:

I cannot overstate Ignoble Bard’s generosity as a Beta. He reads the same sections re-worked over and over again. Thank you so much, IgBee! Pandemonium offered invaluable edits, as did Scarlet, Randy, kymahalei and Elfscribe; Zeen and Tehta also looked over parts of it. (I hope I am not forgetting anyone else I tortured with various drafts of this.) I want to thank Dawn Felagund from whom I borrowed the Quenyanization of Erestor’s name; I took it from her short novel (which I highly recommend) By the Light of the Roses. The hunt owes a lot to Delia Sherman and Ellen Kushner’s The Fall of the Kings, less in its specifics than simply as inspiration, as does the bonfire. The Silmarillion is used and abused—ever new for me and rich in extraordinary detail. I hope that shows.

ETA: Special thanks again to Pandemonium who tackled and solved some intractable problems in Chapter Four. I am blessed with good friends, with mad skillz.

The Names and Nicknames (Sindarin and Quenya)

Maedhros – Maitimo, Nelyafinwë, Russo, Nelyo
Fingon – Findekáno, Káno, Finno
Fingolfin – Ñolofinwë, Ñolvo
Maglor – Macalaurë
Erestor – Eressetor
Aredhel - Irissë
Idril – Itarillë
Turgon – Turukáno, Turvo
Angrod – Angaráto
Aegnor - Aikanáro
Celegorm - Tyelkormo

Fanwork Information


New Chapter: The Wild Hunt (Chapter 9)

For the Noldor, the personal is always political. This story has humor, conflict, scandal, and a crazy mixture of discord and affection, which characterize the Finweans as I write them. This story is set shortly before the founding of Nevrast, before the Mereth Aderthad.


Major Characters: Aredhel, Fingolfin, Fingon, Idril, Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, General, Het, Romance, Slash/Femslash

Challenges: Gift of a Story

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Mature Themes

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 9 Word Count: 28, 084
Posted on 4 September 2013 Updated on 23 February 2021

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

“Someone should write a history,” said Theron dreamily, “a secret history—someone should ask him, or it will all be lost.”

His mother dealt him a sharp look. “Some things are meant to be lost. History is for knowing wisdom, not gossip.” --The Fall of The Kings, Ellen Kushner and Delia Sherman.

Comments on Summer's End

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

There is so much about this to enjoy!

It is--as I've already told you--a gorgeous slice of Finwean life, a series of vivid tableaus and characterizations that makes you feel you've been a guest at Barad Eithel yourself.

Things I like especially: Erestor generally, of course, and also his scene with Fingolfin, the description of the performance (and especially striking: Idril's dance), and also the section in Aredhel's POV.

And your sense of the relationship between Maedhros and Fingon is so strong that it can afford to recede a little into the background behind the other business and still be very much felt as their personal bedrock--if that makes sense.

I think he is in the next couple of chapters. I'm glad you liked that part. I was afraid I was being a little too heavy-handed. But my trusty Beta liked it too! In my story verse, Idril is at the age where friends are important, and I am thinking that some would have moved with her, but not all. This guy definitely would not leave Fingon on no more encouragement than she is giving any guys.

Thanks so much for reading. I appreciate you coming back to it have such a long break.

This is spunch a unique glimpse into the lives of the descendants of the House of Finwë. So personal and intimate. Their conversational interactions are so rich. Erestor is a lovely character and he adds to the narrative. I could read about happy interludes for this family all day. Thank you for this.

Marvelous descriptions, Oshun! I suspect a great deal of research has gone into this chapter, unless you have a lot more hunting experience than I would have guessed.

The dialogue and the argument is well done, too!

I am sorry to see Erestor hurt, even if he and Turgon were being foolhardy!