Blood Ties by AdmirableMonster
Fanwork Notes
Please note that while there is no explicit domestic abuse shown, it is nonetheless quite heavily implied through some of the things Lómion thinks and says. (Lómion, for those who don't know, is the Quenya name of Maeglin, given to him by his mother. It means "child of twilight.") "Ammë" is one of the Quenya words for "mother."
Fanwork Information
Summary: A close friend of Lómion's has gone missing, and a dark creature stalks the forests of his home. When he is summoned by Nan Elmoth itself, Lómion will have to draw upon all the powers he possesses to get himself and his friend home again. Major Characters: Original Character(s), Anguirel, Maeglin Major Relationships: Anguirel & Maeglin, Maeglin & Original Character Genre: Horror Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings, Violence (Graphic) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 7, 460 |
Posted on 27 December 2023 | Updated on 27 December 2023 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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