Interpreting Memories


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Oh, your comment made me realise I didn't explain the matryoshka pathway, that was also just happy accident: "A wrong interpretation" first made me think of something funny, like Aegnor having gone to the trouble to pick her some rare beautiful flowers, which she receives with delight and, to his dismay, promptly tosses them into a large pot of bubbling liquid! (She's dying yarn, and when mixed with the herb she's already using, Aegnor's flowers give the dye a richer hue.)

On my way to ask the Internet to remind me which flowers I was thinking about, I stopped by the #instadrabbling channel, and I was promptly diverted by Dawn's "Lost in memory".

So, when I returned to my sketch, the pot turned into Balan's book of lore and her thoughts turned to his note that "Nóm protests that I’ve recalled it poorly and we are Children of the Sun, not of the Dark."

So maybe that's why it has mixed vibes.

(And I still can't remember the flower — when mixed with yarrow it makes it a deeper, more vibrant green.)

Thanks for you comment!