Tengwar Drabbles by cílil

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Celegorm seeks out Tilion to invite him to his next hunt.

He finds him sitting underneath a mighty tree, humming to himself as he tends to his silver bow.

"Tyelkormo." Tilion doesn't raise his head, but gives a nod.

Whether he knows him by scent, footsteps or something else, Tyelkormo knows not. He hears a smile in Tilion's voice and responds in kind.

"Will you be joining my next hunt?" He sits down.

"Maybe." Midnight-blue eyes glance up at him in time to see his disappointment.

"Do you want me to?" As always, Tilion is direct.

Tyelkormo shifts nervously. "Maybe," he retorts in kind, quick as always.

Eyes sparkling, Tilion laughs. 

Chapter End Notes

Some budding romance perhaps? ;)

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