Tengwar Drabbles by cílil

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Summary: Galadriel and Amarië enjoy a special festival together.

AN: Arë Silmëo (Day of Starlight) is a spontaneous little innovation of mine, a sort of festival celebrating the awakening of the Elves under Varda's stars. Lamps, lanterns and candles are lit to remember those first lights that guided them.

The atmosphere of Arë Silmëo always felt special, magical even. Lanterns of all shapes, colours and sizes floated in the air and the wells of Varda, bathing their surroundings in a warm glow as if the stars had come down to Arda to shine among them for a time. 

And next to her, Artanis' hair shone as well, golden and silver light seemingly captured between its strands. 

Amarië brushed her fingers against the back of her hand. Artanis, without hesitation, took it and squeezed. 

Her smile, too, was luminous, and Amarië felt overjoyed to experience this festival together with her. 

Chapter End Notes

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