Tengwar Drabbles by cílil

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Fëanor's first meeting with the fallen Vala does not go as expected.

Many things Fëanáro had expected to see in the eyes of the Dark One. Shards of ice, deadly flames, poisonous green of twisted truth or darkness everlasting. 

Yet when the Vala sought him out at last and he fearlessly met his gaze, the only thing he could see... was Fëanáro himself. 

"What fell magic is this?!" he demanded, irate. 

Melkor did not even do him the favour of blinking. 

"What did you expect to see?" he asked mockingly, a grin splitting his face. "Something strange, monstrous or wicked? Nay, Fëanáro, all evil there is to glimpse lives within you already." 

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