The Space Left Behind by Independence1776

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Fanwork Notes

This was written for an anonymous prompt on Tumblr. I was also able to include the screen from the Middle-earth Museum challenge.

Fanwork Information


Early in the Second Age, Elrond drags an orc-poisoned Maglor to Lindon. Hurt/comfort.

Major Characters: Elrond, Gil-galad, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Middle-earth Museum

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Mature Themes

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 722
Posted on 8 April 2018 Updated on 8 April 2018

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Space Left Behind

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“So I ask again: how are you?” When Elrond opened his mouth, Gil-galad said, “Or rather, how is Maglor?”

*snorts* I love how well Gil-galad knows Elrond, and that he specifically gave him the screen for a scenario like this one.


I really enjoyed this, Indy.  I think my favourite moment was the forehead kiss Elrond gave him to check his fever was gone - my heart broke a little!  But I do like that in this version of events, Elrond knows Maglor is still alive and they see each other from time to time.  

:D Gil-galad rather stole the show, didn't he? The screen's actual purpose was a surpise to me; it came out while writing and just sat there blinking for a couple of seconds.

Thank you! That is a lovely moment. No matter what 'verse I'm writing in, Elrond and Maglor always keep in contact for a little bit into the Second Age, though the length of that contact does vary by story. I'm too fond of them to do anything else.

I like this story a lot and it's very convincingly told.

I love the use you got out of that screen! What a thoughtful gift. Well done, Gil-galad!

(And good for the door warden, too!)

And I like this bit a lot, too:

"What can you tell me about raising them that won’t embarrass Elrond? Sometimes we stumble across things that we didn’t even know were problems.”

And then they actually go on to have a constructive conversation.


Elrond waited for a short while before kissing Maglor’s forehead to check one last time that his fever was truly gone. Satisfied for now, he slipped into the living room to snatch another couple hours of sleep before needing to wake to check on Maglor again.

OMG! I adore that. So a wonderful image and a great way to show their closeness. It's a lovely story, beautifully rendered.

I love stories when Elrond and Maglor get to meet again after the War of Wrath, and this was no exception! I feel sorry for Maglor for having been poisoned, but at the same time I'm happy that he got to be Elrond's guest for a while. Loved wary yet sympathetic Gil-galad. And what a clever way to use that beautiful screen!

Maglor sharing embarrassing young!Elrond tales.... I need this xD

I quite like your Gil-Galad; he's too often made out to be hateful against the Fëanorians, which - to me - doesn't mesh well with his actions through the years...

As odd as it seems, I'm also quite pleased that he forced Elrond to consider what should be done if the worst happened; it's a good quality in a King, contingency-making.

Unfortunately, I'm constitutionally incapable of writing them! 

Gil-galad surprised me; I went into the story knowing that he knew Elrond visited Maglor but not that he'd sneakily encouraged it. I can see why people think Gil-galad would hate the Fëanorians… but I also disagree with it. I'm one of those writers who doesn't go for strict binary thinking when it comes to characterization.

Yes, it is. Both as a king and as a relative and as someone who will be (is becoming?) a friend.