Fanworks Tagged with Fëanor

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The Maedhros Saga by Ithilwen

A series of connected stories chronicling the life of Maedhros, eldest son of Feanor.

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Dark Prince ~ The Darkness Has Its Own Light by Spiced Wine

Vanimórë, son of Sauron, was born in the shadows of Tol-in-Gaurhoth. A plaything, a slave, a warrior, he was bound to his father\'s mind, and tempered as a weapon of the Dark over thousands of years.

They forged better than they knew.

Trained in the pits of Angband, Vanimórë could command armies, kill without conscience, and he could hate those he served. But he would not break for them. The blood of the Eldar ran strong in him. His path was inextricably linked to some of the most famed and tragic of the Elves, and lead to a destiny he could never have imagined.

The Darkness –
– has its own Light.

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Laws and Customs Revisited by Lyra

A collection of short, more or less irreverent stories dealing with the information offered by the Laws and Customs among the Eldar, their implications and interpretations in fandom.

Will be updated irregularly - as inspiration strikes.

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Sons Of Justice by Gwenniel

The Sons of Feanor do only what they themselves deem right. They swore an Oath. A promise no one should make. For that they were forced into exile, for that they were both hated and feared.

A take on events in the lives of the sons of Fëanor, wordcounts vary from 5,000 to 20,000 and each told from a different son\'s perspective. Focuses on subjects such as loyalty, friendship and justice.

Completed POVs: Curufin, Caranthir, Maedhros, Amras.

Listed in order of Beleriand history, not writing-order.

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The book of lost things by Dilly

Drabbles and ficlets compilation, english and french.

Recueil de courts textes sur le Silmarillion. Beren/Luthien, Maedhros/Fingon, fils de Fëanor, Sauron, etc.

Classés dans l\'ordre chronologique.

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The Fall of the House of Fëanor by Dawn Felagund

This series encompasses my stories about the House of Fëanor from their early days in Aman until their demise. All of the stories are set in the same \"verse,\" use the same original characters and conventions, and are intended to be read together. They are kept in the order in which they are best read, so starting at the top and working down will keep you pretty much in sequence. Story content and ratings vary, so please check each story before reading. Other authors who have played with the same ideas as used in my stories are welcome to add to the series. Please email or PM me if you\'d like me to add your story.

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A Nerdanel Series by oshun

I am working on a few pieces about Nerdanel. So I will add them here as I finish. There is not nearly enough about her in The Silmarillion in comparison with her importance to the main storyline.

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Musings in the Sky by Rhapsody

This is my collection of Silmarillion drabbles. Either drabbled as a present or written for a challenge. Ratings vary from General to Adult.

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Bloody Silmarils - Series by Dilly

In Gondolin, Turgon is depressed...

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Maitimo and Findekáno by oshun

Stories written within the same universe and story arc. The featured characters are Fingon and Maedhros but also includes at various points most of the Finweans and their descendants. (Many, but far from all, of these stories include mature themes. Please see individual stories for ratings.)

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The Silmarillion : The Flight of the Noldor by R A Sharkey

The Simarillion: Flight of the Noldor is a dramatic retalling in script form of the events detailed in the Silmarillion and the Unfinished Tales. (Part One of Six) These scripts were written ten years ago after i read the earliest works of JRR Tolkien and became enamoured with them. Like most of you out there, I believe them to be the most powerful stories with the most memorable characters in all of Tolkien\'s world.

At the same time, I had seen the flawed but compelling films by Peter Jackson. Having been a fan of his since the Bad Taste days, I was excited but also concerned when he was announced as the director for the films, knowing of his penchant for slapstick comedy in his horror films. As I feared, there was as much to hate as there was to love about the movies. What I did love is the way they were put together, the music, the attention to detail, the action and the cinematogrophy. Lovingly crafted.

These scripts were meant to reflect the atmosphere and presentation of those fims but with greater respect for the source material, which is much more dark and tragic. I really wrote these to help learn my craft. They have sat in cyberspace for a decade. I welcome comments but I am not working on these other than to polish them for this site. I am working on my own original material so I do not have the time for anything other than correcting major mistakes in continuity if any are discovered.

Thanks to all, and I hope you enjoy!


R A Sharkey

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This is a Audio fanwork

Paper by Dawn Felagund

Curufin escapes to the realms of fantasy to escape the pressures of his family and discovers the thrill of first love.

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This is a Writing fanwork

A New Day in Valinor by Lferion

Non-angsty ficlets set in Valinor (and one or two in Middle Earth), many featuring Feanor.

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Like a Dream Come True by chrissystriped

Fëanáro looked at the Vala whose silver hair had a slight lavender hue in the light of Telperion. He was wearing a necklace of silver birds – nightingales. Fëanáro smiled, he’d made that for him. The fire of his anger at the decision the Valar had made in regard to his mother and father still simmered in his breast, but he’d learned a lot of smithcraft from Mahtan Aulendil and even Aulë himself, and Irmo had always been a friend to him.

A story of Feanor's and Irmo's relationship before and after his death. Also a story of how even the Valar have to rethink their rulings sometimes.

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Honeysuckle And Wild Berries by Gabriel

Fëanor and Nerdanel’s first camping trip deep into the wilds of Aman was supposed to be about connecting with nature and having some alone time together. Which is what they did. But it also had the unexpected effect of deepening the unspoken feelings they had fostered for each other for sometime.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Three Golden Hairs by Idrils Scribe

"From her earliest years Galadriel had a marvellous gift of insight into the minds of others, but judged them with mercy and understanding, and she withheld her goodwill from none save only Fëanor."
Unfinished Tales

What the hell happened between those two? The Hair Incident, told in all its sordid glory.

A Holiday gift for Anoriath and Dawn Felagund, the greatest betas any writer could wish for. Many thanks to Grundy for the beta!

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Laughter as light as a feather by firstamazon

Every summer, Macalaurë’s entire family takes a trip to the woods and sets up camp for a few days, enjoying the nice weather and each other’s companies.

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The King of Flames by Katie Tran

After relinquishing his Silmarils to the Two Trees and Yavanna, Fëanor had returned from Mandos to Arda Remade. Swarmed with past haunts and wounds, he was in need of a personal healer.

Khánh, a mortal woman and friend of the wisewoman Andreth, had grown bored of her current work with herbal lore in a small children's school and wanted expand her career.

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Trouble in Tirion by lightofthetrees

Maitimo’s heart thudded in his chest with the finality of a falling hammer. We. Had the Valar pronounced this sentence upon all of them, or did Fëanáro assume the unwavering loyalty of his family in accepting his Doom as their own?

The unrest of the Noldor, and the aftermath of the confrontation between Feanor and Fingolfin, told from Maedhros' perspective.

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Shadows of Old Heroes by bunn

In dark Ossiriand, in one of the undocumented early minor confrontations during the War of Wrath, Maedhros, Maglor and Elrond confront an unexpected enemy.  The story is seen from the point of view of Fëanor's unhoused spirit. 

This is an excerpt from my longer story Quenta Narquelion that I have put here so I can use it for a SWG discord fanfic book club event. 

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The gifted one by Harnatano - Lithenna

I received a prompt on Tumblr : How would Curufin show his love to someone... in this case, to his father.


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To Build The Bonds That Tie by ThatFeanorian

A modern AU centering around the house of finwë: who they are how they grow, and in the end, how they love. Mostly Russingon centric, but definitely involving other characters pretty liberally, especially the other feanorians.

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Maglor in the Middle by Dilly

Elf children are more precocious than human children, says Tolkien. But some elf children are even more so.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Maglor in the Middle by Dilly

Les enfants elfes sont plus précoces que les enfants humains, nous dit Tolkien. Mais certains enfants elfes le sont plus encore.

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In Guarded Lands and Sunlit Glades by Lindariel

Young Galadriel has a strange encounter with her uncle.

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