Fanworks Tagged with Fëanor

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The Promise by Tyelca

Young Fëanor has nightmares. Finwë offers comfort to his only son.

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Meetings by feanorusrex

A young Fëanor goes to great lengths to "accidentally' meet Nerdanel on one of her journeys. 

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Sleeping Arrangements by feanorusrex

"It was not Fëanor's fault there was only one bed."

Having noted the lack of Fëanor/Nerdanel fics from his point of view, as well as the lack of bed sharing fics for this pairing, I took it upon myself to resolve both. 

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Memories Burned by Nixie Genesis

Nerdanel remembers her husband and sons while creating pottery.

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Melkor Stirs Strife among the Noldor by Nixie Genesis

Melkor weaves his lies, especially between the sons of Finwë. (Artwork)

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The Creation of the Silmarils by Elwin Fortuna

Fëanor's creation of the Silmarils, in the form of a sestina.

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Fëanor makes the Silmarils by alikuu

Fëanor experiments with the light-retaining properties of Silima in the privacy of his forge.

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Inside the Fire by Lyra

Feanor ponders the price of his gift. (One-shot)

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Exile. by hennethgalad

Nerdanel looks back on her marriage as she watches the return of Finarfin with Anairë and Eärwen. 


This is as grim as you would expect. 

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Companions on a Quest by oshun

Basically a story of Fëanor and Nerdanel meeting and beginning to fall for one another. But, secondarily, a story of Mahtan's household and his relationship with his apprentices, featuring his wife also.

Hero’s Journey Challenge – May-June 2017 – submitting this one to meet the deadline, although I would very much like to expand and continue the story. It should have been much longer, but I met all of the required prompts. I've enjoyed working in this world I have begun to build. I love the characters and the backstory I created, seventy percent of which I am not able to use in this short story--due to lack of time and organizational skills(!! we won't talk about chronic writers' block). I hope readers can enjoy it as a stand-alone, but I definitely will return! I am (maddeningly perhaps) leaving my full cast at the end of the story as a teaser.

Many thanks to IgnobleBard for his careful Beta and putting up with a formidable amount of b.s. and dysfunctionality!

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First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by oshun

For the April-May A Woman's Sceptre Challenge. Prompt:

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou

Fëanáro remembers Nerdanel. A story of redemption. If you do not like Fëanor, you will probably not want to read it.



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Of the Coming of Fingolfin to Mandos and his meeting with Fëanor by bunn

How *do* dead elves get to the Halls of Mandos anyway? And once they get there, what do they say to one another?

Fingolfin could feel his temper rising, predictable, and yet he could not stop it. His years of kingship vanished in the mist. He was the younger, less talented, less cherished brother again, but one with a list of grievances that had grown very long.

“What more did you want of me?” he said. “I gave my word. He is my father too, and he was king of all of us!"

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Feanor Never Planned to Fall in Love by Erulisse

I made an original artwork from charcoal and pastels for 2014's B2MeM. It was entitled "Feanor Never Planned to Fall in Love". Now, three years later, I have developed the story behind that picture. Here's the full effort - Feanor Never Planned to Fall in Love in illustration and text. 

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The Golden Dancer by Lyra

Fëanor first sees Indis as she practices a traditional Vanyarin spear-dance. Fascination turns into life-long antipathy.

Inspired by the B2MeM prompt, "when he first stood near her and recognized her dimly through the shadows, like one who, at the beginning of the month, either sees or thinks he has seen the moon rise through clouds." ~Vergil, The Aenid

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Nerdanel and Fëanor : Messages by bunn

A series of extracts from the Mandos Messaging Service.

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See How They Burn by Grundy

Vignettes from the relationship of Fëanor and Nerdanel, from beginning to parting.

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This Is My Family by Grundy

They say Tyelkormo's first love was the forests and wild places. As ever, 'they' are wrong.

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A Spitting Image by oshun

Fëanor feels sorry for himself. (Artwork with short, short story.)

B2MeM 2017 Prompt: Blue Path, Artwork, Realistic; also Tumblr Feanorian Week (Caranthir)

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Sons of Fire and Blood by Ar-Feiniel

A tragic poem for each tragic son of Fëanor - their glorious rise and disasterous fall. Fëanorian week 2017.

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The Eight-Pointed Star by Tyelca

Short stories about the House of Fëanor for the Fëanorian Week.

Day 1: Maedhros - After being rescued from Angband, Maedhros suffers from nightmares and has some dark thoughts.

Day 2: Maglor - Maglor brings his new charges to bed, and wishes the Ambarussa had lived.

Day 3: Celegorm - On their way to Nargothrond, Celegorm realizes he loves Lúthien.

Day 4: Caranthir - Caranthir the Dark settles in Thargelion and meets first Haleth and later Ulfang.

Day 5: Curufin - In the final moments before his death, Curufin reminisces.

Day 6: Ambarussa - As revenge for Celegorm, Amrod and Amras assassinate Dior’s twin sons.

Day 7 : Fëanor & Nerdanel - Fëanor intends to propose to Nerdanel.

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Insomnia by Michiru

Macalaurë often has trouble sleeping. After the birth of the new baby, he finds he’s not the only one.

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Like The Fall Of Night by hennethgalad

Morgoth sells the concept of swords to the elves through his minions.


(Ah, er, contains a canon error. Mairon was not in Valinor at the same time as the elves.

However, i could just change the name of the evil maia and it would be compatible...)

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The Deaths of Kings: Historical Bias in the Death Scenes of Fëanor and Fingolfin by Dawn Felagund

The death scenes of Fëanor and Fingolfin parallel each other closely in plot, beginning with the rash pursuit of single combat with Morgoth. Yet the manner in which the narrator of The Silmarillion, Pengolodh, employs language and symbolism leads to two very different conclusions that likely served to advance Pengolodh's political and personal agenda. Written for B2MeM 2017 for the prompt "Analyze a Chapter or Passage" on the nonfiction (orange) path.

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