Fanworks Tagged with Fëanor

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Confessions of a Teenage Drama Prince by eris_of_imladris

Fëanor confesses the truth of his identity to a fellow apprentice in a moment of crisis. 

Theme from generator: my mom, my BFF (okay generator you are really asking me to turn the angst to the max)

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Trouble in the library by Jane Speedwell

A young Fëanáro has become interested in linguistics, and Tirion's top etymologist is not happy.

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The Words You Left Me by eris_of_imladris

Ten words that influenced Fëanor and Fingolfin’s relationship and drove them down their paths to doom. Inspired by the concept and lyrics of Milim from Eurovision 2010 as part of SWG’s “Competition” prompt.

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Quenta Narquelion by bunn

What if Fëanor's spirit never left the halls of Mandos because it never went there in the first place?

Fëanor, dead, watches the First Age unfold and from time to time, joins in. Canon-compliant character death and a detailed account of the Eastern Front of the War of Wrath. [Thanks to pp for beta reading] 

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The Magic of the Loom by eris_of_imladris

Míriel’s loom contemplates an ending and a beginning. Inspired by SWG challenge “Middle-Earth Museum” (prompt:

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Burning Jealousy by Cirilla9

The scene that couldn't get out of my head after reading the amazing "fire to sate the appetite".
Inspired by the above; Fëanor is captured, Melkor is happy, Sauron is so very jealous.

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Warmth by feanorusrex

Traveling in Valinor can be cold. Fëanor and Nerdanel have a solution. Well she does at least. Feanor's pleasantly surprised. 

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Music in the light of Telperion by Aprilertuile

Little Makalaurë just finished composing his first melody and feels the need to share with his eldest brother. 

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the quiet of cooling ashes by Sasha Honeypalm

In the Halls of the Dead there are many silences.


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Abundance [ Nerdanel ] by Lordnelson100

Of artistry, women's bodies, and loss. 


Week after week, she worked at it, chisel in hand. Her hands were worn and bruised, the skin dry and cracked with stone dust, her nails broken. Her boots and leggings were covered in a thick paste of slurry, and even her tunic and other clothes were frankly unclean. Her hair was stuffed carelessly into a rough cap, from which it escaped in ragged ends. 


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What's in a Name by Raiyana

Fëanor was always fascinated by Nerdanel's freckles... the stars in her skin form constellations all her own - or are they?

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A Walk down Memory Lane by Raiyana

The Story of the Courtship of Curufin, son of Fëanor, told via a collection of objects left behind in Aman.

Collection of vignettes, really.


You're welcome to play 'Spot the object'; there are usually more than the title implies involved ;)

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Fëanorians in 600 Words or Less by eris_of_imladris

Each Fëanorian gets their own headcanon and short story of 600 words or less for this character exploration!

Written for Fëanorian Week 2018.

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Hidden Gems by eris_of_imladris

Nerdanel realizes her true feelings for Fëanor at a gathering ball. Based on a headcanon lent to me by firsthousepacifist.

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Axis Mundi by just_jenni

This story is a completely AU fabrication, loosely based upon some of the events taking place at the time of the trees in Valinor. However, none of the outcomes follow the ones in the actual Silmarillion but take a wild turn of their own. In this fic Feanaro and Nolofinwe become inseparable lovers, with Feanaro helping his half-brother to become a strong person in his own right, having been ignored most of his life by his father Finwe, who prefers his oldest son. It's only when Feanaro finally convinces Finwe that Nolofinwe is worthy of his respect that the universe rights itself and all is as it should be.

My sincere apologies to JRR Tolkien for altering his story concerning these characters.

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Ghost Love Score by Raiyana

Fëanor beyond Time in the Halls of Mandos

Nerdanel in Aman

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Belated by Dawn Felagund

On two occasions, Finwë was late for Fëanor's departure into the North. This story explores the complexity and evolution of the relationship between Finwë and Fëanor.

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Da Capo by Lordnelson100

Da Capo - musical term: an instruction to play over from the beginning.

"There must have been another way to solve the equation, a different path to other results," he thought.

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Observing by feanorusrex

Fingolfin visits Fëanor in Mahtan's forge, which annoys the latter greatly, as he just wants to stealthily stare at Nerdanel.

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Varda's Lights by feanorusrex

Fëanor and Nerdanel go and see the sky and stuff.

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Thirty Day Character Challenge: Feanor by eris_of_imladris

This is my first attempt at writing Silmarillion fanfiction, and I hope it will be the beginning of a long fanfiction journey to come :)

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Practice by feanorusrex

Nerdanel wears a dress, Fëanor is really chill about it, and they practice some....stuff. 

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The Death of Finwë by oshun

Fëanor, summoned out of banishment by the Valar, arrives at the home of Eärwen and Finarfin the day before Manwë’s long to be remembered high feast on Taniquetil. No one knows what to expect from the Valar, but they certainly least of all expected the darkening of Valinor and the death of Finwë. (Written from Eärwen’s point of view.)

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"As Fate" by hennethgalad

Indis is away hunting when Fëanor is born.

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