Deeds in Days of Old by janeways

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Fanwork Notes

Prompts from Independence1776's Hanukkah-themed Prompts on Tumblr


A Feanorian Hanukkah,
Fëanor and his seven sons: eight drabbles for eight nights.

Fanwork Information


A Fëanorian Hanukkah,


Fëanor and his seven sons: eight drabbles for eight nights.

Major Characters: Amras, Amrod, Caranthir, Celebrimbor, Celegorm, Curufin, Elrond, Fëanor, Haleth, Maedhros, Maglor, Nerdanel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, General


Rating: General


Chapters: 8 Word Count: 796
Posted on 2 December 2018 Updated on 9 December 2018

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Deeds in Days of Old

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Nothing wrong with fried potatoes every now and then! I laughed at Celegorm's friends' jokes. And then the laughter sort of stuck in my throat when Celegorm comes home and knows that his father is going to disapprove of travelling and conversing with animals without the intention of writing about it later! Can't be easy to be a jock-type guy in that brainiac family. I really liked this!

Oh my gosh! He is positively beautiful!

The light of the fire illuminates the soft curve of Haleth’s cheeks, catching the edge of the crinkles in her skin around her eyes and mouth—wrinkles, they are called. They are beautiful, he decides. She is beautiful.

I'm officially, now in love with Caranthir.

These little drabbles are wonderful!

This is adorable! I like to think Celebrimbor had a wonderful upbringing with his father and uncles before everything began to fall apart and the dradle fits perfectly into this as something Curufin would think to design for Celebrimbor to enjoy. Plus, children and surprises there.

This is rather nostalgic for me. I too was taught about Hanukkah as a child. Apparently I had a Jewish great grandmother on my father's side and my mother wanted to teach me a little about my background, including the dradle. I don't remember a lot of it now, though.

Thank you! I tend to envision Curufin pretty darkly, and I thought it would be a nice challenge to write something happy and loving for him. Like you point out, no one starts out that way, and not everything that happened to him was his fault. I enjoyed writing him this way!

I'm so glad the piece touhed you -- and if you ever want to play a game, just come visit! :)

Poor Amras. Losing a twin must be harrowing. Yearning to have that other piece of yourself there with you but not being able to feel it, or be one with it on a level he was used to, must be a type of torture.

I hope this musing doesn't sound weird in any way. Just trying to understand what being a twin means.

Oh! I love this! The Avari and Atani becoming Amrod's people.

It fits him perfectly.

I don't know why but I've always seen the twins as a bit of an oddity compared to their older brothers. Almost like they don't fit the Feanorion norm. Or don't fit into the mould of a Feanorion. I see them as a wild pair-maybe that's why the Avari and Atani suit them so much.

Thank you! I've always seen the twins that way as well -- they struck me as more independent than any of their older brothers (and far less interested in all the drama). Many peoples passed through or settles in their lands, and I'd like to think they enjoyed a happy relationship with those peoples. I'm American, so I grew up on the very idealized rhetoric of "the great melting pot," and so I saw an outlet for that in the context of fiction. :)