Fanworks Tagged with Gildor

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Eluchíl by hennethgalad

Ents and Eldar gather on Tol Galen to sing of past grief and future hope.

Dior meets Nimloth again.

part 5 of the 30-day character study.  


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Elwing's Balrog by Keiliss

When 12 year old Elwing, the fey, half-elven grandchild of Beren and Lúthien, realises that she might age and die like a mortal, she goes to the person she trusts most for advice and incidentally discovers a new aspect of her heritage.

Both parties in this unlikely friendship = written with love.

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This Mortal Coil by hennethgalad

The reflections of Bëor as he is welcomed to Nargothrond.

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The Council of Finrod by hennethgalad

More of Laurëlot.

Glorfindel attends his first council meeting.

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The Robes. by hennethgalad

more Laurëlot.

Glorfindel and Finrod learn more about each other over breakfast.

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The Hammock of Finrod by hennethgalad

More of Laurëlot. Lounging in a hammock...

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Sirion by Grundy

"And so there came to pass the last and cruelest of the slayings of Elf by Elf; and that was the third of the great wrongs achieved by the accursed oath."


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Drabbles: The Third Age by Zdenka

Tolkien drabbles set in the Third Age, with sufficient content from the Silmarillion/LOTR appendices/HOME/etc. that it seems reasonable to post them here. (Exactly 100 words as counted by MS Word. Please see table of contents for individual summaries.)

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Something Spicy by Ysilme

Lacking experience sometimes means making mistakes and can have unexpected consequences. Like making new friends, or finding love.

(First chapter rewritten and extended)


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non-fiction on the nature of elves by hennethgalad

Consideration of free will and the nature of elves.

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Gildor and Lindan: homecoming by Encaitariel

Is home a resting place, or a starting point? Gildor, Lindan, and the decisions resulting from the War of Wrath.

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Ereglas and Silmë: convergent point by Encaitariel

Two young, orphaned Noldor meet the sons of Finarfin; and Finrod has cause to re-appreciate his foster-son. Takes place in FA 20 at the Mereth Aderthad.

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Gildor and Elrond: amalindë by Encaitariel

A weary return from an arduous journey, and a conversation with a young ellon, makes Gildor realized that heroes are perhaps a matter of perspective.

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Gildor and Lindan: point of reference by Encaitariel

In Lindon, in the middle of the Second Age, Gildor Inglorion and his oldest friend both give and receive some unexpected news.

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Impromptu Song by Scribe of Mirrormere

Prideful young Maglor finds inspiration for a new song.

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Something Back by Keiliss

Because life is full of unlikely surprises, Market day on the island of Balar brings a few unexpected guests.

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The Best Night of my Life by Ysilme

Thranduil is tipsy, Gildor is amused, and both are very much in love.

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Healing by Astris

Gildor rides out with the others from Nargothrond and is wounded in the Nirnaeth. A certain son of Fëanor finds him.

Written for Keiliss at the My Slashy Valentine exchange 2014.

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The Wrath of Dragon fire by Ysilme

Thranduil meets a dragon, Gildor meets a Wood sprite, they meet each other, and battle sets things into motion.

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The Boys of Summer by Keiliss

This does not pretend to be the story of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. That is a vast tale of a battle to rival the Battle of the Somme in our own time, with all its moments of terror and heroism (plus dragons, balrogs, and the death of a king). This is just about Gildor, son of Lalwen, and Glorfindel of the House of the Golden Flower (which Gildor assures me sounds better in Quenya) and something of their experience during those six days of horror.

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Roads not Taken by clotho123

These five short vignettes are AUs that might have been canon.  Each of them takes an idea that was conceived and then abandoned by Tolkien, and builds a brief scene on it. 

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The Beginning of the End by Urloth

How Liltafinwë Tyelkormion lost his father and became Gildor Inglorion.

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Healing of the Fëa and Hröa by Iavalir

Finally finding Maglor after searching for so long, Gildor next turns his attention to healing the once great elf minstrel.

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