Fanworks Tagged with Glorfindel

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The Naked Elf. by hennethgalad

Glorfindel, whose father awoke at Cuiviénen, sees the perfect elf, and is compelled to undress him.

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Dark Prince ~ The Darkness Has Its Own Light by Spiced Wine

Vanimórë, son of Sauron, was born in the shadows of Tol-in-Gaurhoth. A plaything, a slave, a warrior, he was bound to his father\'s mind, and tempered as a weapon of the Dark over thousands of years.

They forged better than they knew.

Trained in the pits of Angband, Vanimórë could command armies, kill without conscience, and he could hate those he served. But he would not break for them. The blood of the Eldar ran strong in him. His path was inextricably linked to some of the most famed and tragic of the Elves, and lead to a destiny he could never have imagined.

The Darkness –
– has its own Light.

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A Question... by Raiyana

The Life and Times of Erestor, Vampire.

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RAFA \'verse by Independence1776

The RAFA \'verse is a series set around \"Rise Again From Ashes,\" a tale in which Maglor returns to Valinor in the Seventh Age. The series is complete and listed in suggested reading order, though the other stories chronologically take place before RAFA. Not all are in the main Maglor-and-Elrond-centric storyline.

Please pay attention to the warnings and ratings; they vary by story.

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Series: Beyond Doubt by Keiliss

Everything that belongs in the Even Quicker than Doubt \'verse.

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Tales of the Years of the Sun by Fadesintothewest

 A series of stories exploring the exploits of the House of Fingolfin during the first years of the Years of the Sun.

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Flawless by Ilye

How does one bear scars?

That all depends on who you are and how you earned them. Through an ever-growing number of standalones, the Flawless universe explores the relationships of Fingon and Maedhros, Gil-galad and Glorfindel, and Elrond and Celebrian in the context of the events in the Silmarillion. 

For consistency\'s sake, the narrative uses Sindarin names. Please see individual stories for warnings and ratings, but you\'ll be pretty safe if you assume an overall R-rating and plenty of slash.

Note: Flawless originally started off, some years ago, as a story of Glorfindel\'s rebirth in Lindon in mid-Second Age. It\'s now in the process of serious revision, so please suspend all disbelief if you ever read it in its first life and treat it as an entirely new being.

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Code Red by Scribe of Mirrormere

Aredhel runs into trouble after leaving Gondolin. Luckily, she is prepared. The Walking Dead fusion/zombie AU.

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Healing wounds by firstamazon

After millennia of being a self-imposed bachelor, Glorfindel reencounters the only person from his past capable of turning his world upside-down.

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Upon the Branching Years by IgnobleBard

Legolas is tasked by Ulmo to travel to Gondolin to make sure history does not again deviate from Eru's plan. 


This is a time travel AU wherein Legolas Greenleaf and Legolas of Gondolin are the same person.


Written for the My Slashy Valentine Swap 2021.



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The Last Scion of Tevildo by Lindariel

What happens to the offspring of a cat possessed by a Maia of sharpness?


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Midwinter 2020 Instadrabbling by Lindariel

From the Discord server sessions on 27 December 2020.

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Not by the Hand of Man by eris_of_imladris

Glorfindel ponders the past as he meets the one who fulfilled his ancient prophecy. Written for Tolkien Secret Santa 2020 and the Postcards from Middle-earth challenge!

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Laughter as light as a feather by firstamazon

Every summer, Macalaurë’s entire family takes a trip to the woods and sets up camp for a few days, enjoying the nice weather and each other’s companies.

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Now and Evermore by Katie Tran

The journey through the life of the legendary balrog-slayer, Glorfindel and a mortal woman as they pass through the ages of the world.

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A heart is a foolish thing by firstamazon

In Imladris, Erestor receives news and reminisces about the present and the past.

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Meeting the Past by chrissystriped

Mablung is back in Aman and both Ecthelion and Sharû have things to apologise for. Glorfindel, who was asked by Ecthelion to approach Mablung about it, is there to wittness their conversation.

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To Build The Bonds That Tie by ThatFeanorian

A modern AU centering around the house of finwë: who they are how they grow, and in the end, how they love. Mostly Russingon centric, but definitely involving other characters pretty liberally, especially the other feanorians.

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Revelator by Lilith

The War of the Ring has ended and nothing has turned out exactly as anyone expected. Sauron, who is in this version female and known originally as Mairen and now as Thû, has survived, remained corporeal and been captured.  As such, she will be sent to Valinor to stand trial.


Posted in a very different form.   Heavily revised.  Completed and being posted gradually  as final revisions are made.

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Finding Lost Family by chrissystriped

After Sharû and his soldiers help the slaves of Angband regain their freedom, they are prisoners of war. Future is an uncertain thing for both the orcs and the freed elves. Ecthelion intends to make life better for all of them.

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ShinyStarShip has Invited You to Join a Zoom Conference! by JazTheBard

Elrond is a few weeks away from sailing to Valinor, and he's had a tough time of it lately.

Luckily, his dads are willing to put aside their differences to help him.

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Something New by Grundy

It's an important day for the royal family of Gondolin.


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Gather the Roses by Idrils Scribe

The tale of a perfectly ordinary day in the life of Elrond Peredhel. A day without grand councils, dark lords or epic battles. Nothing about today will be remembered in song and story, but the Lord of Rivendell still has his hands full: he is a husband, father, ruler, teacher ... and healer.

Accidents happen, even on ordinary days.

A giftfic for Anoriath. Many thanks to Firstamazon for the beta read!

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Comfort Food by StarSpray

March 25th is a difficult day for Frodo, but Bilbo knows how to cheer him up. Glorfindel helps.

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The Unfinished Mission by Lindariel

Wherein another of Glorfindel's special talents is revealed.

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