Fanworks Tagged with Original Female Character(s)

This is a Series fanwork

Atandil by Eilinel's Ghost

An ongoing series (estimated to ultimately include around 20-25 works) about Finrod & Bëor, their relationship, and how Finrod copes in the face of that loss. Basically, if you ever wanted a longer than necessary slow burn of these two trailblazing the elf-mortal love tragedy, I've got you covered.

I’m sorry for not having a more consistent schedule on getting these finished, edited, and posted. I’m juggling full-time work and in a busy season there, so I’ve been slipping this in wherever I can, but that does mean I’m a bit unpredictable when it comes to a posting schedule. Currently I'm managing approximately 1 piece every 2 weeks or thereabouts. Thanks for bearing with the slow burn!

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Under the Ragged Thorn by elfscribe

The unexpected and mysterious return of Glorfindel, hero of Gondolin, to Middle-earth opens old wounds for Erestor. Can he overcome guilt and forge a new relationship with his old friend?

Written for 2023 My Slashy Valentine fic swap

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Remember no grievance by firstamazon

And when the tidings came to Balar of the fall of Gondolin and the death of Turgon, Ereinion Gil-galad son of Fingon was named High King of the Noldor in Middle-earth.
~Of Tuor and the Fall of Gondolin

When the War of Wrath breaks, Gil-galad must deal with a heavy contingent of refugees from all the fallen realms of Beleriand.

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Chase the Wind by StarSpray

Then he heard movement in the bushes. He tensed, hand going to the hilt of his knife, but the next sound to emerge was a small whimper. “Eluréd?” called Elurín from across the camp.
“One moment,” said Eluréd. He crept closer to the sound, and parted a few branches to find a bundle of blankets, tightly wrapped, and something squirming and crying inside them.
“What is it?” Elurín asked from behind him.
“A child.”

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His Hour Had Come by polutropos

Saeros' daughter reflects on the life and actions of her father.

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No Dreams In Darkness by cuarthol

An Orc of Morgoth - just one of the many masses that were bred for war and slaughter.  But what happens when an idea of self beyond that of slave begins to form?

7-prompt path for the Matryoshka challenge.

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Lament for Halwen by Ermingarden

Halwen the Spearwoman was a Avarin elf who joined the service of Maedhros Fëanorion shortly before the Dagor Aglareb and died fighting against her lord at Sirion. The untitled Sindarin text commemorating her, known today as the "Lament for Halwen," survives in a single manuscript now preserved at the Library of Rivendell.

Translated from Sindarin into English by Ermingarden and illustrated by Fiona15351.

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Her Gift to the Secondborn by Ellynn

In the ancient time before the Children of Iluvatar and all other beings of Arda woke up, Yavanna thinks about men and their vulnerability, and uses her power to help them – even if only in an indirect way.

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What Your Life Is by StarSpray

"Surely not." At the sound of his voice the great shaggy shape stirred, and turned its head. Behind him Asar called out, asking a question, but Maglor barely heard him. He fell to his knees in the wet sand, staring into eyes that gleamed with ancient Treelight and even older starlight. Then his face was being licked clean of tears by a giant tongue, and he was both laughing and crying as he flung his arms around the dog's shoulders, burying his face in wet fur, hardly caring that it was still crusted with sand that scraped against his cheeks. "Huan, what are you doing here?"

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“I can see in the acorn the oak tree. I see the growth, the rebuilding, the restoring.” - Maya Angelou by MirienSilowende

The Entwives are forced to flee when Sauron wipes out their homes but at the end of a long journey, they find a place that suits them very well.

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Rewilding by Himring

It sounds as if none of the people of Enedwaith who were defeated by the Numenoreans returned.
But maybe a few did, once the Numenorean port was falling into ruin?

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Freedom is Mine by chrissystriped

Tarilanya, freed from Angband and back home in Valinor, enjoys her life.

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This is a Writing fanwork

To Grow a Forest by chrissystriped

A fire has destroyed part of a forest, but the elves are there to help it regrow

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This is a Writing fanwork

Dearest Cousin by StarSpray

Ioreth's cousin writes to her not long after she has gone to Minas Tirith to study healing.

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This is a Multimedia fanwork

Willow by Anérea, Narya

A willow-spirit: some places she went and the people she met.
Story by Narya, painting by Anérea.

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From the Houseless Hills by StarSpray

Carn Dûm had always been a far distant and ancient terror, a dark shadow on the most distant horizon. But with the influx of orcs into the north out of the Misty Mountains and perhaps from even farther away, there were rumors that the Enemy wanted to retake Carn Dûm and begin rebuilding the old kingdom of Angmar.

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Elegy for Númenor – Volume 2: The Darkening by elfscribe

Ar-Pharazôn, the mighty King of Númenor, thinks he has triumphed when his powerful enemy, Sauron, surrenders, and the King carries him back to his glorious island kingdom. However, Sauron’s greatest power lies not in his armies, but in his capacity for guile and seduction. A drama with many players.

Rating: M overall, although, no doubt, future chapters will have explicit content.

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A Song for Change by polutropos

“Therefore I say that we will go on, and this doom I add: the deeds that we shall do shall be the matter of song until the last days of Arda.”
- The Silmarillion, ‘Of the Flight of the Noldor’

An elf child of mysterious origin with a gift for Song shakes up Daeron and Maglor's quiet retirement from the problems of Men. Then she shakes up the world.

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Kintsugi in Andunie by Himring

An elvish visitor from Tol Eressea to Andunie in Numenor mends an old pot.

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Red Leaves by Dawn Felagund

Legolas meets a mysterious woman in the forest. Yes, it is a Legomance! One of my earliest stories, written for Isil Elensar in 2006.

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Restoration & Rebuilding Drabbles by Grundy

Drabbles written for the Restoration & Rebuilding challenge instadrabbling event. Each drabble is its own chapter, with the main character(s) listed in the title. Prompts are listed in the chapter notes.

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This is a Artwork fanwork

The Crafting of Galadriel’s Mirror by Anérea

Portrait of Mélamírë, Master Smith of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain, crafting Galadriel’s Mirror.

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Listen to the sky by Anérea

Arvedui decides to sail, despite warnings to wait.  (As told by a woman of the Lossoth.)

(The fate of Fíriel, wife of Arvedui, was never recorded; I like to think she was a tough cookie and had fought and fled with him to the Ice-bay of Forochel.)

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A Star In The Darkness by Gabriel

Angrod's hopes for a new life in a strange new land with the object of the Noldor's wrath residing to the north, may not be as easy as he believes.

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Regarding Storks by Lferion

Celegorm went his own way even as a child. Some people consider that a problem. His family doesn't.

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