Fanworks Tagged with Original Female Character(s)

Funky Balrog by cílil

A funky chibi Balrog for the funky 70s!


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Harp and Liar by AdmirableMonster

Stinging from his defeat in a musical competition at the Mereth Aderthad, Maglor unexpectedly makes friends with a deaf child.

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A Partial Smoothing by Himring

The news of the Second Kinslaying arrives on Balar among the Falathrim. They are all shocked and horrified, but for one of them, it poses a specific problem.

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Family Gossip by StarSpray

“You,” Fingon pronounced, “are drunk. I am not going to give you anyone’s name just so you can make up a silly drunken ballad."

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Language Contact by between_thepages

Drabbles for the Tengwar challenge, featuring Elemmakil and Laegwen

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Tengwar: To The Letter by cuarthol

For the Tengwar prompt challenge. 
All 36 prompts plus bonus chapter

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Waltzing with you by daughterofshadows

It's a nice evening and Laurendil is trying to teach Rog to dance.

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The Unrest of the Noldor by StarSpray

Minyelmë comes to Tirion to see Lalwen, arriving just in time to see things come to a head.

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Wingfeet: Racing across Ard-galen by Himring

A Dwarf, a Man, and an Elf race across a grassy plain... Except that these three are original characters of the First Age racing across the plain of Ard-galen and their plight is rather different.

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A Burst of Sweetness by StarSpray

“Have you an interest in gardening, Carnistir?”

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(Podfic) Ulmo's Wife by pandemonium_213 by Anérea

It was written that Ulmo was alone, but delving deeper into the nature of the Valar and their adopted world reveals otherwise.

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Tale of the Crebain by Anne Wolfe

An origin story for the crebain, following a Dunlending OC. Written for the second B2MEM 2024 Drabble Race, for the prompt "bird nest".

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A Special Find by Himring

Minor catastrophes cluster on the site of an archaeological dig and someone even gets hurt. But it could be worse, as an unexpected arrival changes the course of events. Then something happens in the middle of the night... And it turns out that our heroine can't tell anybody, at least not in (academic) print.

Now with bonus gapfiller from Maglor's point of view.

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Come Together, Broken Things, and Grow by UnicornsInSpace

Idril and Meleth (my OC) welcome Finduilas, Niënor, and other refugees into Havens after the Fall of Doriath, hoping they can start anew there. Finduilas's daughter is distraught about the situation. Also, how did Finduilas and Niënor make it to the Havens after the Fall of Doriath?

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White Water Flowing by StarSpray

In Valinor and homesick for Imladris, Celebrían decides to build a new one.

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Vincenzia by Himring

Not everyone needs a train trip to Niggle's Parish in their afterlife.
How about some other trees by a rather famous painter instead?

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And With Him Was Elrond by elfscribe

Elrond’s efforts to heal Gil-galad from a vicious attack bring feelings to the surface that can no longer be ignored.

A Gil-galad/Elrond first time fic.
Written for the 2024 My Slashy Valentine.
Prequel to Under the Ragged Thorn.

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Narin and Anglithiel by Lferion

Celebrimbor and Narvi were not the only Elf-Dwarf pairing in Ost-in-Edhil.

Tales featuring an original Elf character named Anglithiel and her partner and love original Dwarf character Narin.

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By Love Annealed by sallysavestheday

Celebrimbor reconciles himself to and rejoices in an imperfect world, for a little while.

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They Can Nearly Talk by Chestnut_pod

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
Eru Ilúvatar made them all.

For an Age of the world, Valinorean readers have devoured Doctor Heriel's bestselling tales of animal leeching in the beautiful environs of the Elf-city of Alqualondë. This new translation into Westron will introduce a generation of readers in the Eastern Lands to the gentleness of spirit, warm humor, and love for the animal world that have secured Doctor Heriel's literary reputation across the Sea.


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Choice Fruits by cuarthol, Dawn Felagund

Terentaulë makes her choice; but in the end, they were both fruit of the same tree.

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Compass by Adlanth

Aerin makes choices, helps others make theirs.

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Wayward Daughter, Carry on by Himring

The story of a young eagle: how and why she made her way from Valinor to Beleriand.

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Bringing News by StarSpray

Celebrimbor's mother comes to visit him, bringing important news.

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