Fanworks Tagged with Túrin

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The Mystery of the Vanishing Elf by AdmirableMonster

An essay on the subject of where the hell Beleg Cúthalion gets to in the second half of The Children of Húrin.  He may be dead, but why is even his memory conspicuously absent?

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Who is the tallest? More Heat than Light on Height in Tolkien’s World by oshun

I beg your indulgence for this, my entry for the "Solve a problem" challenge. I realize the problem is all mine. Who IS the tallest? Or does it matter? What was Tolkien thinking?

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Streams of Time by Leithriel

Time is a tricky thing to play with. It can take everything away from you. Yet, if you play your hand right, it can give back everything it took too.

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Star-Crossed by Leithriel

She realized that they were kindred spirits a long time ago, and that never changed, in spite of events that transpired, or the time that had passed.

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By Fate Mastered by Lyra

For Túrin, nothing turns out as he planned.
A series of drabbles (according to Libre Office) inspired by (of all things) the Sitcom! Bingo challenge and the Narn i Hîn Húrin.

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The Story of the Silent from the Beginning of the World by SteveofCallie

The story of the Quorin, the Silent People, and their home on Tol Úpahtëa.

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Dagnir Glaurunga by Robinka

The dragon and his executioner. A take of the death of Glaurung, but with a twist. (Artwork)

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Cúthalion by Narya

In Doriath, Túrin and Beleg practice archery. A drabble. Slash.

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The Hawthorn Sword by swampdiamonds

Back in Nargothrond after several seasons on the northern border, Túrin finds himself entangled in Gwindor's personal and political conflicts and comes to a decision about his own future.

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The Greycloak's Foster-Sons by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Takes place after "The Fosterling Prince Arrives". Lord Brandir of Doriath (OC) - Oropher's maternal grandfather, Elu's foster-son, and royal loremaster, meets his new 'brother'.

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Book Blubs by oshun

Chapter 5 – Bird Talk - Known for his popular TV show “Shut Up and Listen,” specialist in bird behavior from early childhood Turko Fëanárion insists that his methods work with the most resistant birds and the clumsiest of humans. Get all the details in this water-resistant 100-page paperback guide.
These blurbs are written by a reader who is on the mailing lists of far too many publishing companies. Why not use some of the dozens of prompts of yet another annual B2MeM to design covers or ads, write ad copy, review, or draft summaries of books I would not be likely to write?

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The Fosterling Prince Arrives by Kaylee Arafinwiel

The young Túrin is led to the gates of Menegroth. What welcome will he receive?

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Before the Coming of the End by Himring

Who will fetch forth Turin to the fight, as the Dagor Dagorath approaches?

Written for Kenaz for the "Around the Fire" Challenge.

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Dead Leaves and Beetles by Zdenka

Even before their fatal quarrel, Saeros is exasperated by Túrin's lack of grooming. (Triple drabble.)

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Thaw by swampdiamonds

Gwindor and Túrin on the shores of Ivrin. Things lost, things found, and some basic math.

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Three Sentence Fics: Tolkien by Zdenka

A collection of fills written for rthstewart's 3 Sentence Ficathon in 2013 and 2015, for Tolkien-based prompts. (Mostly Silmarillion, with one for Farmer Giles of Ham and Sir Orfeo, and one non-Tolkien crossover.)

Chapters 2 & 3: More Tolkien-based fills written for caramelsilver's 3 Sentence Ficathon in 2016 and 2017.

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The Offer by swampdiamonds

An idea proposed by Túrin leads to uncomfortable conversations.

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Somewhere I Have Never Travelled by The Wavesinger

Finduilas makes a decison that will alter certain paths, including Nienor's.

(Written for Amy Fortuna for Fandom Stocking 2015)

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my hero bares his nerves by Agelast

Written for the prompt - the Turin pairing of your choice having disastrous sex. But it's always a disaster, when Túrin's around!

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Last Tango in Nargothrond by Agelast

It takes (at least) two to utterly destroy a city. 


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Passage by Agelast

Túrin goes down another path -- and changes everything for those he loves. Written for Rarepairs 2015. 

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Homecoming by swampdiamonds

"In those halls in the hills at that homecoming
mirth was mingled with melting tears"
(The Lay of the Children of Húrin, Canto III:1999-2000)

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Rian's Only Metal Hit by Elwin Fortuna

The Elves make no song of Fingolfin's last stand. One of the Edain, however, did.

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The Dagor Dagorath by Marjolenna

A short poem and among the very first things I've ever written Tolkien-related. It isn't much, but I hope you enjoy it.

Based on the original speculations and in-universe prophecies regarding the Dagor Dagorath, the Battle of All Battles.

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