Fanworks Tagged with Varda

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Breath of Arda by Fiondil

Not all battles are fought with swords and spears. Some are fought with other weapons.

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If Ever a Fruit Ripens by Pearl Took

At the start of the Fourth Age, a Hobbit meets a strange woman in the courtyard of the king and learns the deep history of the White Tree.

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Of Beren and Lúthien: The Complete Tale of “The Lay of Leithian” by LuthienHuan

A how-it-might-have-been tale based on the Chapter "Of Beren and Lúthien" in The Silmarillion and other writings which fans will recognize.

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Sylvanlight, Book I by slflew

What if Feanor's accusations to the Valar were correct?

What if everything you hoped for was a lie?

Valinor is not the paradise expected to be; Earendil's star has fallen - is it the beginning of Dagor Dagorath?

In Sylvanlight the stories of the Silmarillion are turned over and inside out, mysteries and dark intent surfacing if one simple fact is truth.

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Divine Intervention by Meril

“For you are goddesses, inside on everything, know everything. But we mortals hear only the news, and know nothing at all.”


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Many Journeys by Elleth

A gathering place for ficlets of varying length written in response to prompts, prods and as gift ficlets.

New (added January 2018)

Strength of Mountains: Nerdanel and Curufin's wife, through the ages.
Re-Singing: After the Darkening of Valinor, Findis and Elemmírë set out to do their part in the restoration of Valinor.
Sweeter Blessings: As summer nears harvest, Morwen and Aerin dance in the meadows. NSFW.
In Exchange: Whatever happened to the Lady of the Blue Brooch?
An Exercise: Some magic is altogether wordly. NSFW.
A Better Lot: Aerin and Rían change their stories.

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Manwë's Birthday Party by Dawn Felagund, Tarion Anarore, Rhapsody, oshun, Isil Elensar, pandemonium_213, Beatrisu

Round robin. Feel free to join in! In honor of SWG's second birthday, we offer a sillyfic about what may have happened if Varda held a party for her beloved husband ... and invited all of Aman. Please see the Story Notes for more details before adding to the story.

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The Blue Book of Bilbo Baggins, or, Tales of the Forbidden Silmarillion by Gandalfs apprentice

As readers know from Tyellas's Lost in the Translation, Bilbo made another book--one with a blue cover. This story tells of the fate of this mysterious volume, and, even better, has extracts from some of the know you want to read it. Seriously AU. Illustrations by greywing.

Thanks to Tyellas for allowing me to borrow the idea of the Blue Book from her superb story and to oshun for her thoughtful criticism and for being a good friend. Special thanks to Maeve Riannon and to greywing for their unique contributions, and to all the writers at the Garden of Ithilien.

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