Fanworks Tagged with Amrod

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The road to the Estolad by clotho123

A kind of follow up to "The Debate of Finrod and Andreth".  Finrod left a few things out of his talk with Andreth, which led me to wonder what a member of a different Noldorin House might have to say.

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Shore Beyond the Shadowy Sea by Quente

In which Elfwine goes to sea to find himself, but finds Beleriand instead, and then finds himself.


Ulmo sends another human in a swan crest to Gondolin, with expected results.

  • This tale is a paean (and sequel of sorts) to Bunn’s work, the Undying Lands. This will have a few spoilers, so you might go and read this glorious work, and the one before it.
  • But long story short, Beleriand is back, and Fëanor might have built a few pathways between Middle-earth and Beleriand, just for fun.

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Feanorian Week 2024 by StarSpray

Ficlets written for Feanorian Week

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Hunters by StarSpray

Ambarussa entered the forests together, but soon parted, clasping hands and grinning at one another.

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Dispossessed by stormfallen

The sons of Fëanor find their places. Or lose them.

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Dénouement by sallysavestheday

Amrod and Aredhel shared a common ending in being killed by people they loved. Making peace with that pain in Valinor is hard.

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Kill the flame by stormfallen

Once per year, on the night of a holiday only she still celebrates, Galadriel lights fourteen candles.

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Like a White Fire Within by fingonsradharp

Findekáno’s coronation should have been a grand affair. Moringotto was dead, and the Ñoldor could begin to rebuild and slowly retake the lands the Enemy had destroyed in the battle that they had all thought was the beginning of the end.

But Findekáno’s father had fallen even as he slew the Black Foe. Over four hundred years he had ruled, and Findekáno knew this was quite possibly the worst time for a change in leadership.

He still didn’t know where Turukáno and Írissem were.

He still had not heard from Russandol.

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Rematch by I_did_not_mean_to

A short crime-story that is a direct continuation of a Drabble written for B2MEM (Match).

Detective Aredhel and her second-in-command Haleth find the burned corpse of a boy. They now have to investigate men they had thought firmly and safely relegated to the past. 

Can they be guilty of a crime so heinous? Why won't anybody in that dark, foreboding house cooperate when the women clearly toil to save their reputations and lives?

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Who By Fire by polutropos

A Fëanorian hunter is seriously injured near the Nolofinwëan camp at Lake Mithrim. Though Fingolfin scarcely knew Fëanor's youngest sons, he at once recognises and is drawn to his nephew, whose presence offers him a semblance of closure to the irreparable relationship with his dead half-brother. After taking on the role of Amrod's healer himself, he discovers that their wounds, and their need for each other, run far deeper than he thought.

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A New Life in an Old Home by chrissystriped

Maedhros is one of the last of his family to return to life, welcomed joyfully by his brothers.

Now that Fingolfin has his wife back, is he still going to welcome him in his bed -- and should Maedhros even ask?

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Who Shall Release Us? by polutropos

A re-embodied Maedhros slowly remembers. As he does, he must come to terms with an absence and accept that there are some things he will never know.

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Restoration & Rebuilding Instadrabbling by elennalore

Four different drabbles (100 words each) written during a SWG instadrabbling event 20.08.2022.

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It's About the Journey by Rocky41_7

Just getting to the campsite is its own adventure.

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Exactly Alike by polutropos

Amrod makes a gift for Amras. The story of how it is passed down through the ages, in snippets.

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The tragedy of Sirion by Aprilertuile

The feanorians attack Sirion.

This story follows oath awakened

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Desmemoria by UnnamedElement

How does one explain to one’s children the horror of what one has seen and done? Thranduil wrestles with how to tell Legolas about the history of their folk and, with his wife’s encouragement, he revisits the testimony of the Sindarin refugees collected by Oropher, in preparation. Locked away in secret archives or not, the past is never really past, and even children can outsmart memory.

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Once Upon A Time And Long Ago by AdmirableMonster

When the twins' fathers finally leave them to go after the Silmarils, Elros and Elrond decide they don't deserve to be orphaned a second time. In the midst of a great storm, though, strange magics are unleashed, and they wake up five hundred years earlier in an unsullied paradise. But dark things are stirring in Valinor, and the twins are told to tread lightly, lest they unweave their very existence.

Can they find a way to save their fathers and return to their own time, or will it all play out the same way and end in fire?

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[podfic] The White Tower by Chestnut_pod, Anna_Wing

Amrod and Amras, reborn in Valinor, come to see Elwing. Podfic of Anna_Wing's story.

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Oath awakened by Aprilertuile

In Sirion, Elwing has a Silmaril in her possession... And in Amon Ereb, The Oath is awakening in the remaining sons of Feanor. 

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The Seven Gates by Laerthel

The impossible happened – a Silmaril has been stolen from Morgoth’s crown. Maedhros decides to reunite the People of Beleriand against the Enemy and attack him while he is still unprepared (which is by no means less impossible). Meanwhile, in the hidden city of Gondolin, Lord Glorfindel of the Golden Flower pursues the meaning of his recurring nightmares, only to find himself in the centre of a secret ploy against the ever-growing power of Maeglin Lómion in the King’s Council.

The People of Beleriand are astir; and as the strings of our heroes’ fates tangle, a dark shadow creeps above the North – the Fifth Battle approaches. And to what end, no one could dream...

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Maitimo and Findekáno by oshun

Stories written within the same universe and story arc. The featured characters are Fingon and Maedhros but also includes at various points most of the Finweans and their descendants. (Many, but far from all, of these stories include mature themes. Please see individual stories for ratings.)

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Bard Rising by Rhapsody

In this series you will find all stories - be it short works and novel(la's) - connected to my Maglor novel series Bard Rising (work title, I probably will come up with something better).

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Sons Of Justice by Gwenniel

The Sons of Feanor do only what they themselves deem right. They swore an Oath. A promise no one should make. For that they were forced into exile, for that they were both hated and feared.

A take on events in the lives of the sons of Fëanor, wordcounts vary from 5,000 to 20,000 and each told from a different son\'s perspective. Focuses on subjects such as loyalty, friendship and justice.

Completed POVs: Curufin, Caranthir, Maedhros, Amras.

Listed in order of Beleriand history, not writing-order.

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