Fanworks Tagged with Romance

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A Proposal by feanorusrex

An offer, an answer, and what it means for both of them. 

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Song of Souls by Raiyana

On an ordinary day in SA 1697, Narvi is - as often before - losing herself in work.

On that same day, standing in a chamber of torture and looking at the battered body of the Elf he once proclaimed a friend, Annatar - better known as Sauron - realises that the Noldo is as stubborn as his grandfather, and will not reveal the location of the Three Rings.
Delirious with bloodloss, desperate to thwart the evil he naively helped create, to make the pain stop, Celebrimbor remembers a snippet of an old bedtime story, the calm voice of his uncle speaking.

He knows the Songs of Power, knows how his House could do fantastical things through song, but he never really believed in the Song of Souls... until he is standing in an unfamiliar workshop, staring at a heart-breakingly familiar face.

On an ordinary day in SA 1697, Narvi begins hearing voices... well, one voice.


Save them


Featuring Ghost!Celebrimbor, No-nonsense-Narví, Pining Glorfindel, Oblivious Erestor, and gratuitous use of Dwarf Culture.

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a thousand little wings upon the ground by kimaracretak

(surely you weren’t unaffected by the seasons change / and i’m estranged): On magic mirrors and voyeuristic star-goddesses

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dim ricochet of stars by kimaracretak

(you sleep in the light / yet the night and the silent water / still so dark): Here there is gold, here there is light. Silver light that sparks off her mother's ring, pale blue light that shimmers around Goldberry as she kisses Celebrían in the river over and over again. And if the shadows those lights cast aren't exactly where they ought to be, at least they can't consume the forest.

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Beneath Starlight Singing by Laura Elizabeth

Luthien meets Beren. One shot. Companion piece to Mountains Cold, Shadows Shimmering.

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Warmth by feanorusrex

Traveling in Valinor can be cold. Fëanor and Nerdanel have a solution. Well she does at least. Feanor's pleasantly surprised. 

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The Final Destination by just_jenni

I've often thought about Nerdanel's life after her husband and sons departed for Arda, leaving her behind in Aman.  This story (written for Slashy Santa's recent Valentine exchange) imagines the beginnings of her separation from Feanor - in her mind at least, after doubts about the marriage being successful were sown - and before her special relationship with Anaire had begun.  I have imagined the relationship to be a romantic one, although in the beginning there was a definite physical bond between the two women.



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What's in a Name by Raiyana

Fëanor was always fascinated by Nerdanel's freckles... the stars in her skin form constellations all her own - or are they?

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Songs of the Sea by Raiyana

In which Uinen struggles with what to do with Maglor wandering the shore of her Seas, the Oath that still clings to him, the Silmaril he keeps dropping into her domain, and her feelings in general.

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A Walk down Memory Lane by Raiyana

The Story of the Courtship of Curufin, son of Fëanor, told via a collection of objects left behind in Aman.

Collection of vignettes, really.


You're welcome to play 'Spot the object'; there are usually more than the title implies involved ;)

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Faith in our Hearts by Narya

After the Dagor Aglareb, Fingon has a secret, and Maedhros has a confession to make...

Written for My Slashy Valentine 2018 as a gift for Fadesintothewest, who requested a Maedhros/Fingon story. Thanks for giving me the excuse!

Many thanks to the wonderful Ignoble Bard for beta-reading.

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Hidden Gems by eris_of_imladris

Nerdanel realizes her true feelings for Fëanor at a gathering ball. Based on a headcanon lent to me by firsthousepacifist.

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This Sickness, Love by feanorusrex

Andreth is sick and Aegnor tries to help. They both repress their feelings with varying success. 

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'and go into darkness' by hennethgalad

Edrahil comforts Finrod on the march to Thangorodrim...


(for My Slashy Valentine on AO3)

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'in the morning of the world' by hennethgalad

Anairë visits the house of Mahtan to see the sights of Tirion. Nerdanel is enchanted.

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Strange Magic by oshun

Daeron questions Lúthien’s use of magic and simultaneously feels attracted to her for the first time.

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Ghost Love Score by Raiyana

Fëanor beyond Time in the Halls of Mandos

Nerdanel in Aman

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Walking in the Gardens by Raiyana

A Hero's Journey Matryoshka challenge story, featuring the head gardener of Indis' home in Vanyamar.

Set in Aman, post War of Wrath, when the arrival of Indis and Findis turn the lives of the household upside down - and leads one maiden to lose her heart to another.

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Imagining Things by feanorusrex

Nerdanel is very bad at feelings, and Fëanor shows her soemthign he's made.

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Days of Peace by bunn

Celebrimbor and Narvi meet, plan a city and build a life together.

Written for Tolkien Secret Santa 2017, for Rogercat, who wanted a sweet moment between Celebrimbor & a female Narvi and ended up with four moments and a rather longer story than intended - sorry! :-) [thanks to Raiyana for beta-reading.]

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Observing by feanorusrex

Fingolfin visits Fëanor in Mahtan's forge, which annoys the latter greatly, as he just wants to stealthily stare at Nerdanel.

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Varda's Lights by feanorusrex

Fëanor and Nerdanel go and see the sky and stuff.

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Sparring by feanorusrex

Nerdanel deals with emotions, and Fëanor teaches her how to fight. 

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Practice by feanorusrex

Nerdanel wears a dress, Fëanor is really chill about it, and they practice some....stuff. 

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