Fanworks Tagged with Romance

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Tales of the Hidden City by Kenaz

Stories of Gondolin. This series began as a response to the Fanfic100 challenge on Livejournal, but 100 stories remains quite an ambitious number! These are very short stories-- ficlets, if you will-- about Gondolin and its denizens. Content runs the gamut from All Ages-rated genfic to explicit slash. Content warnings will be provided for each story.

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A Nerdanel Series by oshun

I am working on a few pieces about Nerdanel. So I will add them here as I finish. There is not nearly enough about her in The Silmarillion in comparison with her importance to the main storyline.

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The Meaning of Snow by Ysilme

Early in the Third Age, a young Elrohir finds his way into adulthood and the love of his life.

1. The Meaning of Snow
Characters: Elrohir/Erestor, Elladan, Glorfindel, Galadriel, Celeborn, Annuil (OMC)

2. Perception
Characters: Annuil (OMC)

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Musings in the Sky by Rhapsody

This is my collection of Silmarillion drabbles. Either drabbled as a present or written for a challenge. Ratings vary from General to Adult.

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Songs of Stone and Mountain by pandemonium_213

I have alluded to the deep friendship between Dísa, a noble Dwarf-woman of the House of Narvi, and Mélamírë, the Second Age elven-smith of Ost-in-Edhil, in previous stories of the Pandë!verse, e.g., Chapter 28 of The Elendilmir and Chapter 4 of The Writhen Pool.  I figured I\'d gather their stories in one place as a series.

So.  OFCs.  Pandë!verse.  Those should be ample warnings.

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Maitimo and Findekáno by oshun

Stories written within the same universe and story arc. The featured characters are Fingon and Maedhros but also includes at various points most of the Finweans and their descendants. (Many, but far from all, of these stories include mature themes. Please see individual stories for ratings.)

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in SPACE! by Agelast

Two stories from my Silmarillion space AU. 

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This is a Series fanwork

Maglor and Daeron at 1am by anriondrakonion

For some reason, I get really inspired to write Maglor/ Daeron stories at 1am.

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My Preciousssss Mary Sues by whitewave

The main theme of the Non-Canon stories here will be Humor/Parody, bordering on the "Heretic".  Please do not read if you are easily offended by these contents.

All stories will contain much adult language, innuendo, nudity, suggestive/compromising positions, and many embarassing situations for the characters, especially the Fëanorions and Mary Sue.  

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Bloody Silmarils - Series by Dilly

In Gondolin, Turgon is depressed...

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Our little song by Leithriel

Just a collection of stories about my favorite characters/ships in Silmarillion

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Doom, Gloom and Maedhros by Himring


Banner made for the series by Lingwiloke (Fandom Stocking 2016)

The main story arc of this series goes from just after the rescue from Thangorodrim to Maedhros's death. However, the narrative is not strictly chronological - there are flashbacks, flashforwards and recounted memories. These span from Maedhros's childhood in Tirion to his release from Mandos just before the end of Arda. The individual stories are told from different points of view: Maedhros himself, Fingon, Maglor and Elrond. Although the upshot of the series is that it is pretty tough being doomed all the time, some bits are a lot more gloomy than others. All the dialogue was even wittier before being clumsily translated from Quenya. Considering the subject matter, very little blood and gore (I think). The ratings and warnings for individual sections differ greatly from the overall rating: see the individual stories.

ETA: Since I wrote this description of the series, it has snowballed in all directions. I feel that the description ought to be revised, but it is difficult to know exactly how to tweak it. You may wish to compare the more recent description of the series (with notes) on AO3:

Other links that might be helpful are these: a fragmentary timeline (, and a listing of original characters: (both on my Dreamwidth journal)

Illustrations to the series by Alasse now separately posted on AO3:

Fanwork Information

This is a Series fanwork

The Dragonverse by Ysilme

Spanning the First to Fourth Age, the life of Thranduil Oropherion, King of the Woodelves and Slayer of a Dragon.

My tales mostly follow book canon with smatterings of the Peter Jackson movies, most notably in Thranduil having fought a Dragon in his youth and having the scars to prove it.

The series consists, at the moment, of the two main stories about Thranduil, The Wrath of Dragon Fire and The King of the Forest. The third story, Midwinter in Eryn Galen , centers around a young Aragorn visting Thranduil\'s Halls for the first time, and Legolas.

For obvious reasons, only The Wrath of Dragon Fire has been posted at the SWG; you can find he other stories on the Archive of Our Own.

Reading order:

1. The Wrath of Dragon Fire
2. The Best Night of my Life
3. The King of the Forest
4. Midwinter in Eryn Galen

Publishing order:

1. The Wrath of Dragon fire : late First and early Second Age, Thranduil/Gildor, written for MSV 2014. A tale about Thranduil\'s youth in Beleriand and first love.

2. Midwinter in Eryn Galen : late Third Age, Aragorn/Legolas, written for LotR SeSa 2014. A young Aragorn comes to the Greenwood for the first time to see the home of his friend Legolas, also hoping for another first to happen.

3. The King of the Forest : late Third Age, about two decades earler than Midwinter in Eryn Galen , Thranduil/Celeborn, written for MSV 2015. After the Battle of the Five Armies, Thranduil nearly breaks in dealing with the aftermath of their losses at the battle.

4. The Best Night of my Life: a little ficlet taking place after The Wrath of Dragon Fire, written for the International Day of Slash Tarot Challenge at the Library of Moria.

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From Aman to Eregion by Raiyana

Combining all my Curufin/Telperína to Celebrimbor fics in one place

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Stories of the Sindar by oshun

I write mainly about the Noldor. And even writing about them, write mainly about the Feanorians and those who love them. This is my collection of stories featuring the Sindar and those who love them.

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Main verse: Quenta Quendi by Scribe of Mirrormere

Main verse for my fanfiction, especially the tales told from the POV of the elves. Stretches from the days of Cuiviénen to (one day) the Dagor Dagorath.

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Songs of Stone and Mountain by pandemonium_213

I have alluded to the deep friendship between Dísa, a noble Dwarf-woman of the House of Narvi, and Mélamírë, the Second Age elven-smith of Ost-in-Edhil, in previous stories of the Pandë!verse, e.g., Chapter 28 of The Elendilmir and Chapter 4 of The Writhen Pool.  I figured I\'d gather their stories in one place as a series.

So.  OFCs.  Pandë!verse.  Those should be ample warnings.

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Series: Balar fics by Keiliss

Mainly about Gil-galad :)

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Elements of Maedhros by Elwin Fortuna

Five stories, mainly about Maedhros, tracing his relationship with Fingon, his mental breakdown after Fingon's death, his healing, and their reunion at last.

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Series: Beyond Doubt by Keiliss

Everything that belongs in the Even Quicker than Doubt \'verse.

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Healing wounds by firstamazon

After millennia of being a self-imposed bachelor, Glorfindel reencounters the only person from his past capable of turning his world upside-down.

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in your very own symphony by kimaracretak

"You should be flattered," Thuringwethil counters, "To know that for you alone I would change my skin."

Aredhel scoffs. "Steal another's skin, more like."

(Be careful what you hunt. Or don't.)

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The Captain and the King by oshun

for Keiliss, Slashy Valentine 2021

Gil-galad read the note: "Expect him in the morning two days hence, allowing for weather. Keep an eye out for his ship—Númerrámar."

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This is a Writing fanwork

Upon the Branching Years by IgnobleBard

Legolas is tasked by Ulmo to travel to Gondolin to make sure history does not again deviate from Eru's plan. 


This is a time travel AU wherein Legolas Greenleaf and Legolas of Gondolin are the same person.


Written for the My Slashy Valentine Swap 2021.



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