Gift of a Story

As the year draws to a close, many of our members have or are preparing to celebrate winter holidays of celebration and thanksgiving. 2007 is less than a month away, and we look back at another year of new experiences, new friends, and new stories. If you are at a loss for a new project for the month of December, then why not gift a story to a person who has helped and inspired you in the past year, based on his or her interests? Whether a beta-reader, reviewer, or just a good friend, drabbles, stories, and poems are a great way to show thanks and appreciation!

This challenge opened in .

Fanworks Tagged with Gift of a Story

This is a Writing fanwork

The Beautiful Battlements of the Fortress on Himring Hill by oshun, IgnobleBard

Written at the request of Moetushie-–in the form of a comment fic on her LJ. Not much of a plot, simply Fingon and Maedhros sitting in a room at the top of Himring Hill Castle K-I-S-S-I-N-G. With a Beta read by Ignoble Bard and with some serious help from him in closing it--on the co-writing credit: he wrote the last sentence; I edited it lightly. (Without him, I probably couldn't write at all, too fraught with self doubt.)

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Before Strife Was Born by oshun

Not your typical romance, this is a story about two people who know one another all too well and understand one another not at all and share an almost love/hate relationship replete with passionate conflict and caring. It’s a Years of the Trees story of Fëanor and Fingolfin as very young men, written for Encairion, Ardor in August 2012, to satisfy this particular prompt:

“Pairing: Fëanor/Fingolfin. I prefer dark, angsty stories, but can appreciate humor on the side. Whether you give me a pre-darkening of Valinor or a re-born life in Valinor or something from the First Age, it doesn't matter, but I love seeing elves with flaws, so please no utopian, unrealistic worlds."

I want to extend the warmest thanks to my super skillful and perceptive Betas Ignoblebard and Lilith Lessfair who so generously combed through it at least a couple of times each.

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Once upon Amon Hen... by Rhapsody

As the Fellowship reach the shores of Amon Hen and Boromir makes a fatal mistake, Frodo flees from this man and races towards the ruins where he will encounter a stranger. 

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Mending by Himring

Maedhros's first conversation with Idril in Mithrim.

Originally written as a get-well-soon present for Erulisse.

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A Crash Course in History by Himring

Maedhros reads The Lord of the Rings (the Imladris edition).

In honour of Oshun, Biographer-in-Chief, on the occasion of her birthday.


Now a MEFA 2011 nominee. Thank you very much, Angelica!

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A Stiff Northern Breeze by Himring

During the time of the Siege of Angband, the princes of the Noldor meet once again in council, this time at Tol Sirion. Maedhros has a disturbing conversation with Orodreth, their host. He discusses Orodreth with Fingon, while they take a walk along the river. 

A Christmas present for Alasse--Christmas 2010, that is. Only about two months late,  that's almost punctual, for me... Thank you for the discussion of weather conditions in northern Beleriand, Alasse! 


Now added: Engineering and Diplomacy (Fingon & Curufin, double drabble)

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The Longest Night by Dawn Felagund

In the depths of a bitter winter, Finrod Felagund receives an invitation from Bëor to attend a strange midwinter festival in honor of the longest night of the year. Written for the 2009 Yule Fic Exchange on Many Paths to Tread.

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No Justice to Yourself by oshun

Erestor sails to Valinor and finds himself involved with someone he was infatuated with as a youth. Based upon the request by Darth Fingon, in the 2009 Ardor in August fic swap, for Finarfin/Erestor, set in the Fourth Age in Aman, including secrecy and moral doubt. Did not want a fluffy, happy romance and if Earwen is part of the story and/or finds out about the affair, she should not be soppily happy for them. Huge thank yous to: IgnobleBard, Lilithlessfair, and Aearwen, for reading and providing corrections and suggestions.
2010 Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards -- First Place in Races: Elves: Noldorin Elves

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Lack of Privacy by oshun

(Maedhros/Fingon) This was written in response to teasing by IgnobleBard that I had cut out the love scene from the story I wrote him for his birthday and Halloween, Do You Believe in Ghosts? So, here it is, only a slightly belated Christmas present. (Warning: it is not really, unlike the Ghosts story that prompted it, a comic piece.)

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Forsaken Knowledge by Rhapsody

In order to finish one of his greatest achievements, Celebrimbor applies a skill he considered forgotten. Added: long overdue author notes.

 ~ MEFA 2009: Honorable Mention in Genres: Crossover: General

Thank you Robinka!

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A Beggar of Distinction by Alassante

Aragorn has an interesting meeting at his wedding that leaves him speechless.

Prompt #118 for Aragorn Angst - Speechless. This prompted a belated birthday fiction for Gwynnyd 

2009 MEFA 1st Place Winner, Genres: Mystery: General  

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One Last Wish by Dawn Felagund

Shortly before the Darkening of Valinor, Fëanor returns briefly to Nerdanel to beg one last wish of her. MEFA 2008 nominee.

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Essecarmë by Dawn Felagund

Curufin, the fifth son of Fëanor, is said to have been his favorite. Why did Maedhros get passed over for this honor? This story looks at Eldarin naming traditions and the family dramas they create. 2008 MEFA nominee.

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Out, Damn'd Spot! Out, I Say! by Alassante

Like Lady MacBeth, Celebrimbor discovers how much blood is in a body, so much so that water cannot wash it easily away.

For OSA Drabble challenge - Water Also, dedicated to Dawn Felagund for being forgiving and protective like Uncle Maedhros.


2008 MEFA Winner - 2nd Place Elves: Noldor Fixed-Length Ficlets

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Denial by oshun

This is a birthday gift for Kenaz. A ficlet involving Maglor and Maedhros, which is set in the Time of the Trees in Formenos, at the home of Fëanor and his wife and sons. It is set in the same universe as my story Maitimo and Findekáno and occurs a couple of years earlier. I hope it is obvious from the ficlet that Maedhros and Maglor are very young adults and Fingon is the equivalent of a teenager. (There is a reference to slash in this piece but no sexual content.)

MEFA 2008 Second Place: Elves - House of Finwë

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The Dance by Dawn Felagund

A light, sweet version of how Nerdanel and Fëanáro first realized their love for each other. 2008 MEFA nominee.

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In absentia by Robinka

A post-Thangorodrim vignette written for Dawn Felagund.

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An Ordinary Woman by Dawn Felagund

For Jenni, a more realistic interpretation of Luthien's story, how she came to enter her people's legends, how she met Beren, and how Finrod got himself into deep trouble. MEFA 2008 nominee.

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Light of the Westering Sun by Dawn Felagund

For Unsung Heroine, a series of double drabbles about the life of Haleth and how it touched, briefly and in love, upon that of Caranthir. MEFA 2008 nominee.

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Surprise by Dawn Felagund

Mahtan on the birth of his daughter Nerdanel: on lives changed and dark destinies fulfilled. For Rhapsody.

MEFA 2008 nominee.

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A Gift for a King by Dawn Felagund

Just after Fingolfin's birth, Fëanor makes a gift for his father. For Oloriel.

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How To Love Him by Rhapsody

On the eve of her wedding night, Amarië has a startling revelation about herself and her love for Finrod.

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Full Brothers in Blood by oshun

Gift story for Dawn Felagund, Christmas 2007, Fingon and Turgon as young brothers. Honorable Mention, MEFA 2008

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The Election Farce of Nargothrond: Of Dumbness, Treachery, and Brotherly Love by Dawn Felagund

A satirical look at how an election for the King of Nargothrond might have gone based on current political events. Silly, irreverent, and full of bad metaphors. Updated especially for Fanged Geranium.

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A Harmony in Autumn by oshun

A tale of belatedly requited love, with a dose of politics, set in the period immediately preceding the foundation of the city of Gondolin. Written in response to Slashy Santa 2007 request by Talullah Red. (Beta: the ever-generous Ignoblebard.)

Honorable Mention - MEFA 2008

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