Jubilee Instadrabbling, January 18-19, 2025
As part of our upcoming Jubilee amnesty challenge, we will be instadrabbling on our Discord on January 18 and 19.
Fíriel spends one last night with her lady.
As Ar-Pharazôn’s fleet nears completion, two childhood friends must decide what to do. (Double drabble.)
Samwise Gamgee's granddaughter Fíriel dreams of Cuiviénen under the stars.
A sequence of tanka in which Nerdanel contemplates Varda..
Aredhel escapes from Nan Dungortheb and is aided by a daughter of the river.
Snapshots from a visit to the ocean.
A seagull and the wind dance at the edge of the sea.
Írimë goes into exile and Elemmírë stays behind, but their thoughts are with each other, on the Ice or in the darkness. (A sequence of five drabbles.)
A song (or, more properly, a poem) from Elemmírë to Írimë.
When Haleth feels hope fades she reaches for light within and seeks her out.
The stream echoes Mithrellas' desperate search for Nimrodel.
I live under your/domain. You rule with gentle/kisses, golden smiles.
From Indis to Nerdanel.
"My problem is Meril, father,” Tindómiel said and took another deep breath, her heart pounding with the confession reaching her lips. “I love her deeply, and that is the source of my pain."
In the Third Age, Varda and Galadriel reflect on change and love.
A poem from Aredhel to Goldberry.
Two (female) Sindar before the return of Morgoth from Valinor--one of them looking back on that time.
A moment with Finduilas and Níniel.
Ilmarë and her lover, before and after.
Nerdanel fails to finish a sculpture, and admits to a defeat.
A short visit in the gardens.
Hope gives way to truth.
Morwen is summoned by Acca to fulfill the need of the latter.
Édebar was a tidal island. It had been a resting place of the Lady Uinen who had gifted it to a group of those who had pledged devotion to her to create a sanctuary for those who were mentally distressed or unhappy to find peace again. It was a far more discrete option than the long trip to Lorien, and Lorien was usually reserved for extreme cases.
Girls crying about their marriage prospects was not considered extreme.
Femslash Bingo Fills for the Flowers and Their Meanings Card for Femslash Week 2016