Elegy for Númenor - Volume 1: Journey to Umbar by elfscribe

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Fanwork Notes


Portrait of Annatar by Thendeathsaid.  Thanks so much for the fanart!!


This is Volume I of a planned trilogy.

Betas: the fabulous Russandol and Malinornë.  Also  thanks to members of the Lizard Council, particularly Kymahalei, Erulisse, Pandemonium, and Oshun, and Spiced Wine for their comments and support.

Rating: Overall R; some chapters PG, others much more intense. Adult readers only.
Warnings: Sex scenes, m/m relationships, violence, including rape and murder, some language, mature situations. And there's Sauron at his conniving best.  Need I say more?

Disclaimer: Characters and settings belong to Tolkien's estate, I have no claim and make no dough, but the story and the OCs are mine, all mine.

Author's note:  This adheres to canon fairly closely (achieved by quite a bit of research) but takes some liberties in interpretation and contains many OCs and invented Adûnaic names.

And squeee I has fanfic:  Check out Russandol's cross-over fic between her marvelous epic Chasing Mirages and Elegy for Numenor.  The story is called Hospitality and features two of the OCs from Elegy. I love it!

Also in honor of my 10th anniversary in fandom, Spiced Wine wrote a fic called Drink the Sunset which is a cross-over between Elegy and her Dark Prince series.  Thank you Spice!

More fanfic!  This is from Uvatha the Horseman, called The Prisoner and features her own version of Sauron torturing his guards with visions.  Thanks Uvatha!


The Stars of WesternesseThe Stars of WesternesseBest Kiss

Fanwork Information


The Númenórean King Ar-Pharazôn thinks he has won an easy victory when Sauron surrenders to him and becomes his prisoner. But the march back to Umbar with the conniving Dark Lord turns out to have many unanticipated twists and turns through a nest of politics and intrigue, including Sauron's attempted seduction of Ar-Pharazôn's favorite male courtesan.

This is volume I of a planned trilogy. An epic tale of political intrigue, the desire for immortality and love, sorcery, hubris, loyalty, lust, and catastropic amounts of water.

MEFA 2009 First Place winner in Genres: Longer Works: Incomplete  (Vol. I is now complete)

This fic was recommended in USA Today, May 20, 2015! (They have a fanfiction section. Who knew?)  Thank you to Uvatha the Horseman for the rec!

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Amandil, Ar-Pharazôn, Elendil, Númenóreans, Sauron

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Adventure, Drama, Slash/Femslash

Challenges: Akallabêth in August

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Rape/Nonconsensual Sex, Sexual Content (Moderate), Torture, Violence (Moderate)

Chapters: 32 Word Count: 197, 820
Posted on 22 April 2009 Updated on 13 December 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Table of Contents

Chapter summary: The Chief Nazgûl brings news of Ar-Pharazôn's superior forces to his Master, who doesn’t take it well.

Chapter first posted April 22, 2009

Chapter summary:  Sauron has plans for a prisoner held in his dungeon for 1500 years. 

Chapter summary: Sauron prepares himself to meet Ar-Pharazôn and discovers that letting go of the Ring is not easily done.

Chapter summary: In which we meet various players in Ar-Pharazon’s court, including Amandil and Elendil.

Note: Aphanuzîr and Nimruzîr are Adûnaic for Amandil and Elendil respectively.

Chapter summary: Sauron (Mairon) begins his seduction of the King and we learn more about Sûla, the courtesan.

Chapter summary:  Sûla has a conversation with Sauron and promises to keep a secret.


Chapter summary: Events cause Sûla to slip deeper into Sauron’s net.

Warning: violence, attempted rape


Chapter summary:  Sûla plays a game with Tigôn, the King's page, in which more is going on than appears on the surface.

Chapter summary: Sauron (Mairon) remembers his past as Melkor's servant, and sets events in motion so that the unwitting Ar-Pharazôn is drawn further into the web.

Warning: This comes with a jangling bells warning for violence, animal cruelty, BDSM, Melkor/Sauron and Ar-Pharazôn/Sauron.


Chapter summary: Sûla brings a healer to the Zigûr’s tent with an unexpected result.

Chapter summary: Amandil learns some troubling things about Sauron and Ar-Pharazôn sends Tigôn on a frightening mission.

Chapter summary:  Tigôn visits the Haradrim encampment while (Sauron) Mairon offers Ar-Pharazôn some military advice.

Chapter summary: Although Amandil (Aphanuzîr) and the King’s Steward, Azgarad, are deeply suspicious of Annatar, they agree to look for the tunnel under Arzog’s Pass.  Meanwhile Sûla encounters the insanely bewitched Zôri and Tigôn finds himself in trouble with the Haradrim.

Chapter summary: While helping the Númenóreans set up the catapults, Mairon (Sauron) encounters some challenges and Sûla finds himself on the front lines of battle where his friend Tigôn is held by the Haradrim.

Chapter summary: Ar-Pharazôn displays Annatar as a prisoner of war during the army’s march through Umbar. Sûla confesses to the King that he disobeyed orders and worries about what punishment he'll receive, and Tigôn feels angry and confused by his contradictory feelings for his friend.

Chapter Summary: Tigôn’s confusion increases when the alluring Sûla kisses him; meanwhile Annatar pokes up the bees during a banquet.

Chapter summary: Sûla seeks help when Ar-Pharazôn loans him out to Dulginzin and Annatar has a late night meeting with the King. 

Warning violence

Chapter summary: Sûla endures the Lords of Arandor and then seeks out his friend, Tigôn, who has confessions to make.



Chapter Summary: Sûla initiates Tigôn into the pleasures of love-making, while Annatar demonstrates his skills to Ar-Pharazôn and discovers something is rotten in Umbar.

Warning: tasteful but explicit sex scenes


Chapter summary: The murders during the night are revealed and an investigation to find the perpetrators begins.  Mairon’s fëa is becoming unstable and he desperately needs to make the potion that will cement it.  Meanwhile Sûla escapes into the city and asks his aunt for help.

Chapter Summary: Ar-Pharazôn offers a reward for Sûla’s capture and Annatar entices Tigôn with promises of help for Sûla.

Chapter summary: Annatar confronts his internal adversary while Tigôn goes to the Umbarian sorcerer Magân’s shop to buy the ingredients for Annatar’s elixir of youth, and then tries to find Sûla.  

Summary: Tigôn witnesses Annatar’s strange behavior and falls under a spell.  Ar-Pharazôn discovers that he hates accounting but he does enjoy eel pie and a pert backside.

Summary: Tigôn confesses to Elendil and begs for his help. Meanwhile, Sûla is treated roughly and thrown into a cell, where he despairs of life until he has a visitor.

Chapter summary: Sûla is tried for murder and Annatar’s ability as a truthsayer is brought into play. Tigôn has a final ploy to use if all is lost, but will Annatar trump them all?

Summary: Sûla wakes up from his ordeal at the whipping post and discovers he has a new master who tells him a secret he does not want to hear and Ar-Pharazôn witnesses a test of Annatar’s elixir.      

Chapter summary: Tigôn discovers unforeseen consequences of having revealed his affair with Sûla, finds a sympathetic ear, and makes a decision, while Annatar removes a rival and tightens his grip on Sûla.

Chapter summary: Tigôn has a plan; he just needs to try to convince Sûla.

Warning: mildly explicit sex scene

Chapter summary: Sûla discovers that something is very wrong with his armband. He tries to help Tigôn while keeping Annatar from learning about their tryst in the solarium. Warning: m/m sex scene Contains B2MeM 2012 prompts

Chapter summary: Annatar seduces Sûla, making him an offer he can’t refuse.

 Warning: m/m sex scene

Chapter summary:  Responding to strange reports, Lords Azgarad, Amandil, and Elendil compare notes in a tavern and their concern deepens; Annatar mouths off and earns the ire of the head of the Bawîba Manô priesthood; and we get final thoughts from all the major players as they board ships Númenor-bound. Finally.

Listing of characters and terms appearing in Elegy for Númenor, vol. I, plus some notes on use of languages on Númenor.


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I have re-read this story twice this morning, and honestly, this becomes better each time I read it. Some stories don't; some books and fanfic I read through once and don't return to, but this, I re-read and it just gets more involving, more wonderful each time. I am gagging for an update, although the re-reads are delicious. :)

It's really good to hear that the story stands up to repeated readings.  That, to me, is the test of whether it's working or not.  And yes, I sense a certain impatience.  LOL.  You'll be glad to know that the next chapter just came back from my beta readers and it should be ready this weekend.  I don't think it will disappoint.  Hugs!

Oh, my gosh, I don't know what to say.

Sûla and Tigôn's lovemaking was beautiful; it was so sweet and erotic, with Tigôn's virginity and learning what pleased him. Gorgeous!  I found myself so absolutely happy for them. Sûla needed Tigôn's generosity and sweetness so very much. They were deeply suited to each other; it was beautifully written, as always, and I was so sad thinking they would not be able to meet again in that way, although yes, it would be very dangerous. Their coming together was so very different to the calculated sex between the king and Mairon - on Mairon's part at least.


And then O_O Dulginzin with his throat slit -- well, few would weep for him, (certainly not me!) but there is no way that Sûla could have explained such a thing; no wonder he was in a blind panic!

Looking up towards Tigôn’s room, he touched his lips with his fingers and blew a kiss. “Farewell my friend. We both knew it was doomed from the start. Think well of me.”

So poignant. :( 

*Puts head in hands*


Mmm, glad to provide something bittersweet for your delectation.   Thanks soooo much Russa for the fabulous beta that really improved this chapter and for your wonderful banners and for your enthusiastic support.  I really feel like you've become a partner in this endeavor.  Hugs!

Ah, Sîan was enthusing over Chapter 19 of this the other day on her LJ, so I immediately dove in (her recommendations always being well worth a look) and swallowed the story so far in 19 breathless gulps.

And now I too am anxious for the 20th chapter, if only to see Sauron and his "tenant for life" battle for interior dominance, while Mairon and Ar-Pharazôn battle for exterior dominance. The outcome of the one is perhaps much more important than the other....

Oh, seriously. I re-read this story and it never loses its magic, Elfscribe. Sûla and Tigôn must be my favorite OC's. They're so different, beautiful young, real  -- at first sight there would seem to be nothing in common between them. The way that their friendship evolved was masterly; from disaproval on Tigôn's part and  kind of defiant, cynical teasing on Sûla's, to something closer and to this last chapter is truly superb work, and being some-one who enjoys the exploration of darker charaters, I adore Mairon, too, at least in his gorgeous incarnation here, although I am glad that the poor Elven spirit is not giving him the easiest time.

I know you were saying that you were finding it hard to get back into the next chapter, and I absolutely understand that as it happens to me flicking between two WIPS, (it takes time for the engine to turn over and start running) but you have many fans, and I am completely stuck on this story and your wonderful characters. It's like a crush :D

Thank you soooo much for this lovely review and for your continued support.  And yes, I've had a hard time getting back into the next chapter.  I've written the first 2 scenes and Russa has already looked them over, so I really hope to have a draft done in about a week.  Thanks for your patience.  Big hug!

I was getting a bit worried, so I'm glad to read your response to your last review  and learn that the next chapter is partly written and you're making progress on it. You didn't precisely end this one on a cliff-hanger, I suppose (at least not for Sula--and Annatar must be used to such things), but Sula seems to have gained a bit of mental freedom while entirely losing his material security during the last chapter. It all seems very precarious, and I'm anxious to see how the story continues.

Hi Himring, thanks for your encouragement.  It's hard to keep up the energy on these long WIPs.  I hope to finish vol. I of this particular fic within the next month or so. I think it'll be a trilogy, if I get that far. We'll see.  I really appreciate your comment here about Sula's "mental freedom" as I hadn't thought of it that way before and that is an interesting way to look at it.  It's amazing with a big story like this with lots of characters, all with their own issues and concerns, when one thing happens it hits everyone like dominos.  Cheers!

As I said on LJ -- this story continually enthralls me. It's just got everything. Annatar's problems increase, and he is now feeling the Elf's emotions and memories, yet he's extremely controlled and does not lose the edge when he is playing his games.

Sûla and Tigôn -- these two are delicious and heartbreaking. I am glad that it was discovered that Sûla was almost raped by Dulginzin, although it gives Sûla more of a motive, : I hope Annatar can discover that it was not him. (I am sure he can if he wishes to, or why did he *encourage* the king to ask about the body? And why did he reveal what had happened to Sûla at Dulginzin's hands?)  Deep games, Annatar.

Simply wonderful work, as always.


Over the holidays, I've again read the whole tale so far and, oh boy, it just grips you and doesn't let go. I am so utterly hooked into this story, I'd love to see twenty chapters more tomorrow.

It's been hard over the months you've been writing the later chapters to realise that so much happens in a single night, but this time I was on the edge of my seat, following all the different threads, enjoying your wonderful characters and the many twists in your tale. Your Annatar is superb as the devious villain, a spider patiently luring his victims onto his sticky web, and the boys are just gorgeous enough to eat. All other characters, however minor, are fleshed out and add to the feeling of stepping onto a real story with real people. The plot moves as smooth as quicksilver from joy to dread, from excitement to a heart-clenching fear for the fate of the boys you've made me love. 

Elegy gets better every time I read it, elfscribe!


Hi Russa, it's a wonder and a relief to me that the story hangs together when you sit down and read it all at once, as that is something I've yet to do myself.  And yeah, I'd love to see 20 more chapters of it myself tomorrow.  If only the elves would write it as I sleep, taking it from my brain like a pensieve.  Alas, gotta slog away like a mere mortal.  I'm glad Annatar is coming off well to you, especially that spider imagery.  I actually purposefully characterize him as different animals in true shape-shifter fashion.  Sometimes he's spiderish, sometimes a wolf or a bat, but more often a great hunting cat.  And I'm so glad you love the boys.  I've fallen for them too.   Thanks so much for being there with me from the beginning of this and now helping as a beta and adding your own wonderful insights to the journey. 

I will comment here, apart from LJ, to say that this story just grips me more and more and I could easily read another 100,000 words of this right now.

I mentioned on LJ, but I will say this here to, that your Annatar is entrancing in the same way as I found Hannibal Lecter when I read the book 'Hannibal'. He can be urbane, cultured, charming, seductive, intelligent, and so incredibly dangerous that only when he's killing you do you truly realize what he is. His shadow, like the dragon's wings is beginning to spread over every character in this story. Tigôn and Sûla are perfect foils for him, as they are so young, and though Sûla is a damaged soul and in no way an innocent, both he and Tigôn have that shiny gloss of youth and hope. Sûla wanted enough money to just live comfortably, which ambition is not unworthy or even selfish.

Oshun mentioned on LJ that Tigôn was in love with Sûla, and I do think she is spot-on. It was his thinking about Sûla climbing out of the window, the tenderness really shone through, and it was a wonderful and delicate way of showing his feelings. He did not think at that moment of desire or sex, but of a person whom he fears for.

I did hope Annatar might do something to help Sûla, which makes me laugh, since there should be other people, noble and honorable, who would bestir themselves, but of course to them, Sûla is just the king's courtesan and body-servant, and not protected by being of the nobility, with the laws that would apply. He's promised a trial, but as matters stand he looks guilty, and who would care if he was put to death, save Tigôn? Of course matters may change, but at the moment, Annatar is the only one who can really help him. Sûla is expendable, even to the king.

This is such a engrossing story, every chapter is like a three-course meal. Brava!

Thanks so much, SW!  I really appreciate your telling me how the characters are coming across to you.  I'm glad you picked up on Tigon's feelings for Sula.  It is kinda sad, isn't it, that if Sula loses the King's patronage, then there are few people to work on his side.  He's been aware of that all along.  I think the King isn't totally throwing him away at this point.  After all, he is backing the idea of a trial.  But, you're right, Annatar may be the only one to help him, and clearly Tigon sees that.  Annatar is a web-master for sure.  Thanks for reading and cheering me on!  

This chapteris packed with really good stuff.

I am always interested in getting an update on Sauron's borrowed body. You dealt with that struggle very well, but I think my favorite part was this:

a painfully bittersweet ode to a dead lover – in Sindarin no less! Something that only those infernal tragedy-loving elves would compose. “His hair was as bright as mallorn blossoms in spring; now his fae has fled like a bird on the wing.” No! It must be that cursed son of Celebrimbor making an appearance! Fabulous chapter all and all, but I screamed when I saw where you were ending it. Is that your underhanded way of getting your friends to nudge extra hard to work on the next chapter? All right. I'll do what I can to encourage you to write it as quickly as possible.

Oh no!! Don't stop here! Okay, if you absolutely have to--but post the next chapter soon, will you?

I'm feeling really bad for Tigon and Sula and the only minor consolation for now is that image of Mairon choking himself and bashing his head against the wall, then having to explain that to the astonished guards...

You know I am still reading. :)  I become more enthralled with each chapter, and go back and re-read because it's the kind of story that if it were a race horse I would urge on to the finish-line, but also never want it to ever finish. If there was a category for best OC's in the MEFA's ( I don't know if there is) your beautiful young men would deserve to finish lengths ahead.

Hey, I'm so happy you're still reading it and especially pleased you like my OCs, whom I've grown fond of myself.  And i'ts great that you don't want it to end.  LOL.  It seems like the never-ending story to me, truly.  But this part is coming to an end soon.  The next chapter is ready and the one after that is written.  It should be complete within the next two weeks, fate willing.   Thanks so much for helping me keep going on this.  Hugs!


I'm on a not-really-that-epic delurking quest, I've read Tolkien fanfiction for years but never commented, and the Elegy for Númenor update is the perfect opportunity for me to gush about your writing.  You have some of the hottest writing of anyone I read, but damn can you tell a story as well!  Elegy for Númenor is an especially good example of an amazing story.  It's very OC-centric, and normally that bores me.  Definitely not bored here.  I adore Súla and Tigôn and the relationship between the two drives me up the wall (in the best way).  I'm glad Elendil's back, I like your characterization of him.  And the ending! I often forget how the story has to end, but of course now I remember that they're all basically doomed, especially Súla, poor kid.  I'm very happy that the updates have been coming quickly and eagerly await the next one!

Ah, it's great to hear from a new reader.  Thank you for delurking!  You've made my day entirely!  It very gratifying to learn that you enjoy my scribblings, especially my OCs, because as you say, often readers won't give them a chance. Sula and Tigon are examples of minor characters who have totally taken over the story.  I've become quite fond of them, myself.  And one of the nice things about OCs, is they're not attached to canon, so we'll have to see what doom awaits them.  Thank you again for commenting and for being so patient with this story. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish at least this part of it soon.  Cheers!


Elendil was a lovely character in this conversation. I was so thrilled though, to have more Sûla and Tigôn, who have so drawn me into their lives that I will remember them forever. You created two OC's and made me care about them more than any-one else in the story. Whatever happens to them, you must be so proud of what you have achieved in this story. It is a rich, complex, beautiful and intelligent story.

Thank you so much, dear Sian.  You've really kept me going on this.  And I'm pleased you enjoyed Elendil.  I found myself liking him quite a bit in this chapter.  The next volume will feature him a lot more.   I'm working on the next chapter, hopefully it will be ready soon.  Hugs!

I was beginning to think it was time we saw Elendil again. I'm glad he proved to be supportive, although clearly his support is going to have to be limited. I can't help hoping Annatar is wrong in his dire prophecies of coming betrayals and a price to pay, but I fear he isn't. Nevertheless, Tigon and Sula might still weather the storm... (In fact, I am beginning to wonder what I could bribe you with to let them have a happy ending, but clearly in any case there is still a long way to go!)

Good grief! That was an eventful chapter (and long--I like long). Like everyone else I am dying to see how this turns out. It's a little bit overwhelming that this is just the first stage of many. (Excuse me--I always reflect my own laziness when envisioning the work involved on others' projects. This is a BIG story. I've known that from the beginning. Every chapter whether looking back or forward with the introduction or re-introduction of characters reminds me of that.)

Everything fits together so plausibly. It's an impressive organizational effort in conjunction with the lush details and lovely prose. Enjoying it more than I can say. The characterization is amazing as it has been throughout. Tigôn and Sûla continue to stand out. This novel in the series will always be theirs for me. I kind of hate reading this in segments. It ought to be read all at one time. Oh, well. Can not resist bringing myself current every time you post.

It is a big story.  Gah! Tell me, why did I decide to write the whole history of the downfall of Numenor?  LOL.   I am thrilled that you feel it fits together plausibly.  You're right that it has taken a lot of  organization.  At this point I keep having to reread earlier chapters to remind myself about what happened.  I'm so happy you've come along with me on this from the very beginning.  Thank you for sticking with it.  Hugs!

And in the end, it was his unbridled heart that made the decision, though he knew not where it would take him.

Dear Tigôn. he is so sweet, really; he even thinks of the poor pleasure slaves when he hears they may be cast out. he does think with his heart. And Sûla..well one can't blame him for wanting power, through the king and now Annatar.

“Once we get him to Númenor,” Pharazôn affirmed, “he’ll be cut off from all his support – no servants, no orcs, no fell beasts to call upon.  We will have him surrounded. What harm can he do?”

That's such a classic line.

Just wonderful, every single chapter!

I appreciate your picking out the unbridle heart sentence, as it's among my favorites and your observation about Tigon and Sula are quite true also.  What a dilemma to have to choose between your heart and your ambition.  And in Sula's case, he has a desire to get above his helpless station as a slave, something Annatar understands all too well.  Annatar doesn't understand the side that yearns for love, even though, ultimately, that's what he wants as well. 

"What harm can he do?"   Heh heh.  A certain irony in that one.

Thanks so very much for your continuing support and the rec on LJ.  Major hugs!

Perfect sene in too many ways to enumaterate. And it felt so realistic, with Sûla's initial rejection, and then their wonderful tussle, which lead to an even more wonderful tussle.

I loved their laughing and trying not to laugh; that shows their youth and the fact that they still can laugh -- I think they might have a hard time with humour in the future, but it was gorgeous. No wonder these two are drawn to each other, Tigôn has an endearing honour and sweetness and Sûla, under his expertise and beauty is so desperate for some real, true care and love.

I adore them.

I thought you might like this chapter.  *g*   I liked their silly laughter too, but of course in that situation it would be hard not to laugh.  They have laughed together on a couple of occasions and I think that's one of the things that appeals to both of them, particularly Sula, who doesn't get much opportunity in his life to just be a young man with a friend.   Thanks for your rec on LJ and for your encouragement. It really helps keep me going.

For B2Me, I have to review a story with artwork in it, and this gave me the perfect reason to revisit Elegy.

I am still so in love with this story; the politics, Annatar's masterly manipulation even in his early time as a prisoner, these beautiful, wonderful boys who are so perfect, so real that they should definitely be canon, and their flowering relationship. There is such a sweetness in it that is contrasts wonderfully with Sûla's life. He's cynical, and sells himself because he knows nothing else, but Tigôn slips through those barriers, and they are just beautiful together. From your hints, and the way this story ended, I do have an idea of what the immediate future at least, holds for Sûla, and how it will change him. I cannot but wonder if Tigôn will still love him, I hope so, but however you write it, I will read completely delighted and enthralled by your skill and these amazing characters, both canon and OC.

Oh how nice you could use this fic for the review.  (I'd forgotten mine had artwork, but it does.) You've been one of my biggest supporters through this.  Thank you so much for the encouragement. I've come to be very fond of the boys myself, making what will come all the harder.  Now, I must get the whip cracking.  Hugs!

Poor elf on the edge of madness, but not yet succumbed to it after all those centuries. The elves suffered so much didn’t they, being turned to orcs, now this one has his body high jacked. I love the ring as a character. It is all I can do to keep from skipping to the mid and last chapter as I usually do with such wonderful books.

Fingaer was a strange and difficult headspace to get into, having been imprisoned for 1500 years.  I had to think how to depict someone who is strong enough to survive that, but yet be affected by it so that he is definitely on the edge of mad.   Glad you mentioned the Ring as a character.  I imagined Sauron as pouring enough of himself into it that it does take on some character.  It shows sentience in the movies too, in its ability to talk.  As far as skipping ahead, lol, well this one isn't done yet and there's more to come, I hope.