Isles of sleep by Aerlinn

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


And in the twilight a great weariness came upon mariners and a loathing of the sea.

Some will sleep until the very end of the world. Not every Valinorean explorer returns.

Major Characters: Lórien, Noldor, Original Character(s), Teleri

Major Relationships:

Genre: Adventure, Experimental, General, Mystery


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 671
Posted on 17 January 2012 Updated on 17 January 2012

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Comments on Isles of sleep

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'For a moment I see myself, wandering, captured in the kaleidoscopic mirrorhouses Lórien builds to keep our minds trapped and our bodies in peaceful stasis.'

This story, and particularly the above phrasing, does have the fuzzy-but-horrifying air of a sometimes-lucid nightmare.  I love the use of the fumellar, beautiful yet terrifying. 

This somewhat puts me in mind of Lovecraft's non-Cthulhu-mythos work.