And All Our Wounds Forgiven by Marchwriter

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


The Oath of Fëanor sleeps. The Enemy does not. And Finrod Felagund finds himself battling against the currents of fate and desire when two of the sons of Fëanor seek succor in his realm.

Major Characters: Celegorm, Curufin, Edrahil, Finrod Felagund

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Mild)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 8, 696
Posted on 15 February 2012 Updated on 15 February 2012

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Author’s Notes: I relied primarily on the Silmarillion published by HarperCollins (e-books), 2009 more than the peripheral works (Morgoth’s Ring, the Shibboleth, Wikipedia). Where canon is silent or confused on the matter, I have let the characters direct me. Being Fëanorians (or Finwëians, at least), they didn’t hesitate to do so anyway. Special thanks to my beta for a rigorous pen and a fast, thorough review.

Dedication: Written for Oshun and the My Slashy Valentine 2012 challenge.

Disclaimer: Only playing in Tolkien’s sandbox and digging for loose change. Haven’t found any yet.

Comments on And All Our Wounds Forgiven

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I cannot recommend this story highly enough. This is not out of politeness because it was a gift to me in a fic swap. The story is truly remarkable. The characterization, mood, themes, and interpretation of canon is stunning. These First Ages heroes and anti-heroes are painted with a brush of realism that is not often seen. Marchwriter says she is new to writing Silmarillion stories. The freshness means she has none of the baggage of recycled fanon in this area either.

Please take my word for it. She will thrill you.

Only this one review? *looking around, astonished*  I am still reading, but it surprised me very much, there was no one else, who would give you any feedback for this wonderful characterization...

Be it only for the description of the two Feanorians,behaviour,  and looks, speaking so clear words!

But I rather go on reading, sorry, but you should take this for complimemt...