More about Maglor by Himring
Fanwork Notes
I. Maglor Tunes a Guitar.
II. Forging Gold
III. Like the Voice of an Old Friend
IV. Silmaril
V. Half-Elven
VI. A Distant Shore
VII. Silver Girl
VIII. The Refusers
Stories I and II Written for B2MeM prompts: Seasons of Middle-earth (B2MeM 2014)
SWG Arda Underground challenge: see "Maglor Tunes a Guitar", end notes.
Story III written for LOTR Community Challenge: May 2014
Story IV: a drabble for Tolkien Weekly: November 2014
Stories V and VI: written for Fandom Stocking 2014
Story VII: written for Fandom Stocking 2017
Story VIII: written for Fandom Stocking 2018
Rating and warnings: see individual stories
Fanwork Information
Summary: Tales about Maglor. Last Added: The Refusers (Maglor and Avari)
Major Characters: Amras, Amrod, Avari, Celeborn, Celebrían, Elemmírë, Elrond, Elros, Gilmith, Maedhros, Maglor Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: Arda Underground, B2MeM 2014, Gift of a Story Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: |
Chapters: 8 | Word Count: 5, 445 |
Posted on 22 March 2014 | Updated on 24 February 2019 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
Show all chapters on a single page
Table of Contents
In Umbar, Maglor tunes a guitar in the Feanorian manner.
(No, not what you think: nobody dies!)
B2MeMPrompt: Durin's Day (Seasons of Middle-earth: Autumn)
Rating: Teens (warning: moderate violence, but very much non-graphic)
Maglor and three of his brothers on a day towards the end of the Fell Winter (First Age).
Prompt (B2MeM 2014: Winter): Use the following song to inspire your writing or artwork: "Crystal Forest" by Nox Arcana
Rating: General
The title alludes to the alleged meaning of Maglor’s mother name (Quenya Makalaure). Maglor’s father name Kanafinwe is also mentioned, as is the shortened form Kano.
Maglor, son of Feanor, encounters the Aldudenie, the famous lament for the Two Trees composed by the Vanya Elemmire.
But what does it mean to him?
Rating: Teens (PG for arguably Mature Themes)
Written for the LOTR Community Challenge May 2014
Theme: character study
Elements: the character spends time with an old friend
A little reflection on two central symbols in Tolkien's work, the Silmaril and the Ring.
Drabble written for the Homophone Challenge at Tolkien Weekly on LiveJournal (100 words according to MS Word)
Prompt: threw/through
Rating: Teens (PG)
In his wanderings, Maglor encounters a half-elven child.
Inevitably, this evokes memories of two other half-elven children.
Written as a gift for Independence1776 for Fandom Stocking 2014
Rating: General audiences.
Gilmith, daughter of Mithrellas, walks by the sea and meets someone she remembers from her childhood.
Inspired by Elleth's wonderful photomanip This Far Distant Shore
Written for Elleth for Fandom Stocking 2014
Rating: General
While Celeborn is away, Celebrian makes a friend.
Written for Independence1776 for Fandom Stocking 2017.
Her wish list included wandering Maglor stories.
Rating: Teens (for background considerations)
A short piece featuring wandering Maglor and his reflections on Avari: the idea of them and the reality.
Written for Narya for Fandom Stocking 2018
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