Tirion Flash Mob by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Inspired by Huinare's "The Doggerland Skull"

Fanwork Information


Market day in Tirion--and a flash mob, with many of the usual suspects.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Celegorm, Ecthelion of the Fountain, Elenwë, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Galadriel, Huan, Indis, Maedhros, Maglor, Turgon

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 745
Posted on 28 June 2015 Updated on 28 June 2015

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Tirion Flash Mob

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What a wonderful story to wake up to on a dreary, rainy Sunday morning! I love it.

<i>‘It's their Vanyarin blood,’ he muttered, trying to find an explanation for the effect these children of Finarfin had on him. He was forgetting that full-blooded Vanyar had never quite managed to reduce him to a comparable state.</i>

Great lines.

<i>'It's my family,' said Turgon to Elenwe. . . .

Elenwe could see that he was both extremely embarrassed and extremely proud of all of them.</i>

What a wonderful expression of ambivalence. Poor Turgon.

Poor stallkeeper, to be robbed of two of his harps!

But this concert may also be good promotion fot the quality of his instrumemts...

How would I love to listen  to such a *best of * jam performance!

Maybe Huan howling would complete the sound, he is a very special dog... Awhoooooooooooo...

Thank you for cheering up in a hot and sleepless night!


I'm glad this cheered you up!


Finrod and Galadriel will be careful to return the harps in good condition.

And, yes, when the stallkeeper has recovered a bit, he will figure out how to use the incident to promoted his instruments, I think!


As one of the commenters at LiveJournal said, they would no doubt have invited Huan to join in, except it was not the right kind of composition!


Technically, it's not really a flash mob, I suppose, because it's genuinely spontaneous!

But I was very much remembering a video of a flash mob performing Beethoven's Ode to Joy at Sabadel that Elfscribe posted some time ago as I wrote this. Do you know it?

I'm so glad this piece worked for you!

"Huan sat down on his haunches with a sigh. He raised his snout but caught Celegorm's stern eye and thought better of howling."

Haha!  And M with the tambourine, and I with her descant :).  Too rarely are these sorts of happy moments recounted, but even this most dysfunctional of families must have had enough of them to give them all a store of pleasant memories.  As usual, great stuff!