Approaching Rivendell by Ysilme

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Written for the Silmfic Prompt Generator Writing Contest for SWG's 10th Birthday using the prompt generator for the two following elements:

Theme: suffering
Story Element: seashells and pearls

14. Experience

(prompt 71: broken)

 With a squeal of delight, Elrond bent down and plunged his hand into the clear, cool water to retrieve the pearl he had spotted among the seashells.

A squeal of pain followed, bringing Maglor quickly over.

He inspected the bleeding hand, cut open on a sharp edge.

“This will teach you to look before you grab,” Maglor remarked drily.

Elrond bit his lip, glancing down at the water, which no longer seemed so inviting.

“It will also teach him that everything has its price,” another voice added.

Elrond looked at the scarred face of the tall redhead, feeling oddly comforted.

Chapter End Notes

Strictly speaking, this drabble doesn't fit in the general theme of this drabble set, as it's about young Elrond growing up with the Fëanor brothers. It was inspired by one of the 100 prompts and while pondering new drabbles for the set, though, so I'm keeping it in.


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