Approaching Rivendell by Ysilme

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A New Friend

A little spin-off to my story Coming Home, where Sam Gamgee has travelled to Valinor and made fast friends with Elrond’s little daughter Elaniel.
Many thanks to lordhellebore for the beta.

16. A New Friend

(Prompt 28: Children)



Elrond took a moment to look up from his reading, immersed as he was in a treaty about the usage of seaweed. “What is it, Lanie?”

His daughter hopped up and down, barely able to conceal her excitement.

“Can I go visit the Hobbits, please? I am sure Master Gamgee has rested enough by now. He has slept for four whole days!”

Elrond laughed. “Yes, he surely has rested enough by now, although I do not think he slept all the time. He is not a child, even if he is as small as you are.”

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