Drabbles for Tolkien Weekly by Ysilme

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Changing Perception

Challenge: Communication - Body Language

“Now put your hand here, and the other there, and let your fingers feel the vibrations. Yes, that's right.”

Two dark heads, one large and one small, bowed close together. A melodious voice explained patiently, while large hands guided small ones on the instrument.

“Like this?”

Another movement, brows knitted in concentration, some tinkling sounds emerged.

A smile lit the grave face of the adult.

“Well done, Elrond! Now try it again.”

The boy looked up with a nod, shoulders sagging with visible relief. Slowly, the frightening stranger had changed into a stern protector and then a kind mentor.


Chapter End Notes

This was also inspired by the artwork Harp Lessons by Jenny Dolfen.


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