Drabbles for Tolkien Weekly by Ysilme

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Challenge: Petrology - Marble


Elrohir stared in fascination at his brother's forehead, where a marble-sized bump was slowly growing.

Elladan sniffled, valiantly trying to suppress his tears.

Rubbing his elbow, Elrohir said: “At least you won, and you're going to have a cool bruise to show off.”

Elrond was carefully examining the swelling, and, satisfied that the skin was unbroken, applied some salve. Then it was Elrohir's turn with more salve on the elbow.

“There now, it's not so bad,” their father said. “But no more running in the hallways, you little rascals!”

“Yes, adar,” they answered in unison, rolling their eyes.

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