Drabbles for Tolkien Weekly by Ysilme

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Cultural Difference

Challenge: Petrology - Obsidian

Something small and dark glittered on the riverbank. Elros picked it up, marvelling at the  glossy sheen and the regular shape.

“What's that? This can't be natural!”

“An Avari arrowhead,” Ereinion said dismissively, “rather primitive.”

“It looks wickedly sharp”, Elros commented, fingering it careful. “Is this really stone?”

Elrond, having finally caught up, looked at Elros' find and nodded.
“Obsidian, I think. It's of volcanic origin -”

“Stop lecturing, brother,” Elros moaned. “I get it. Ai!”

“-  and extremely sharp,” Elrond finished, digging in his pocket for something to bandage his brother's bleeding hand.


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