Home's Tale by Haeron

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Chapter 16

Ecthelion’s lady had impeccable interior design standards; the house that she owned was dark and beautiful and bathed in rich, earthy colours of deep wine and chocolate browns. The doors and banisters were of dark wood, beautifully carved and the ceilings were low and beamed. It was heavenly there, quiet and lit to match with flickering candles dancing behind frosted sconces. I might have said I regretted that I did not get the chance to look around more closely and peek into each homely room, but the distraction I experienced was rather more inviting.


‘You never told me he had a lady,’ I said, leaning to grant Glorfindel better access to my neck. His hands were on my waist and I was being steadily guided backwards to somewhere. I put my trust in him though I was certain I could probably predict his motivations.


But I wanted to play as much as he did. It’d been too long...


‘I shouldn’t have needed to tell you that,’ he purred.


‘You might have told me.’


‘I might.’


His hands grew ever bolder upon my body and I felt the same impatience, pulling at the collars of his shirt to signal my wantonness. He rose from my neck to smile and brush our lips together, barely a kiss. It wouldn’t do. I told him so and felt his low laughter stirring the arousal between us.


He took his time in kissing me, in teasing my lips with his and sharing with me his breaths that were as shallow as my own. When we joined, at last, our passions burned slow and chaste for a time and simple relief at being whole overrode all else. We needed one another, yes, but the night was ours and there were many nights we had spent apart that needed compensating for. He parted my lips and I let him, easily.


And then just as quickly as he had inflamed my need for him he pulled away, to my disproval, to take my hand and whisper come.


Glorfindel led me through the hallway where hung framed vistas of towers and oceans painted by the hands of Tirion, my ancestors, but I paid them little mind and thought only on following wherever I might be led. We passed more and more sconces where the flames lapped and shuddered, climbed a dozen stairs to reach a tidy landing and pushed into one or two wrong rooms before coming to a grand bedchamber. Clearly, it wasn’t the master bedroom but it was quite cosy enough for us.


I was lead to the bed and on the bed I sat in the middle with Glorfindel beside me. He took my face in his hands and kissed me, winding his fingers into my hair where he might so lightly pull from time to time to elicit yelps of pleasure from me. As much as my body and heart bade me give into him and give myself to him and have him move inside me, I knew there was more that might need to be said...


‘I’m... I’m a fool,’ I said, in-between wicked kisses that stirred me, more and more, to submission. Glorfindel shook his head and made to take me again and dismiss my concerns in a way words might not, but I braced my hands against his chest to see him eye to eye. ‘No, truly, I am.’


He brushed his nose against mine before kissing the tip of it.


‘You,’ said he, and he stroked the line of my jaw with gentle thumbs. ‘are the other half of me. You are my soul mate, you.’


I believed him and he beamed when I told him so. I closed my eyes and rested brow to brow with him, who was my husband, and for the first time in a very, very long time I actually felt worthy of the corresponding title.


‘Don’t leave me again,’ he whispered.


And it was a promise I could keep, healed and renewed as I was, and so sealed it with a kiss.


Our embrace quickly grew in intensity, no more I had to say that might be conveyed with words and I longed only to join my body to his now we were one in spirit and soul again. Glorfindel had similar aims and I felt his smile and clever fingers pulling the laces of my robe loose. As I waited and allowed him to do so (with tickling anticipation), I let my hands roam where they would over his chest, pushing them down his toned stomach and down further still until his kiss grew fervent for his want.


I would have advocated caution in a most teasing manner if I hadn’t been aching, myself. He bade me rise a little so he could pull my robe over my head and in a quick flurry the garment lay flung and forgotten down the side of the bed. A coolness of air kissed the bareness of my back and Glorfindel took a moment to admire that which he had uncovered. As he repositioned himself in front of me and bent to trail kisses up my chest, I let my head fall back, rapturous and warm was his touch and I’d have him taste all of me which might delight him.


He flicked his tongue over my nipple and looked up to me with blue, shining eyes that knew full well their effect on me. He lavished me more with his tongue (and teeth to hear me sigh and clutch at his shoulders) and I would have had him within me then, right then, all of him...




I laughed and was torn from my lusty preoccupations to push him down to the mattress where then I sat astride him and gave first contact to our groins. His erection was hot under my own, and how my hands longed to wander down the lithe body to gratify him... Glorfindel lifted his hips to grind them up against mine, hearing my inner machinations again no doubt, but no, patience, was it?


His answering smile was paired with a most impatient groan.


And now that wouldn’t do, either. So bent I to his stomach where I pulled free his shirt that had been tucked into the rather elaborate belt he wore, and slipped my hands up his stomach, under the shirt. He bucked a little, I fanned out my fingers to appreciate, to feel, the strength and muscle of the elf under my hands, and all the power that such physique promise; all the pleasure, too.


He was a marvel of physical geography, even clothed, a wonder of the world that was all my own to travel.


Glorfindel was reaching down to pull off the shirt in that way the elves of the militia and soldiery always do, crossing their arms and then pulling the shirt over their head; I’d never been able to accomplish such masterful undressing but as Glorfindel bore himself to me -- the thoughts were lost.


I kissed him and we lay together chest to chest. He gathered my hair to one side of my neck and stroked a hand down the length of it to my shoulder blades and as far as he might reach down to the underside of my stomach where the skin was sensitive and eager for his roaming touch. I shivered, he bit my lip and wished me to kiss him deeper -- a request easily granted, for my hunger grew wilder each time we brushed up against one another, skin to skin. It was a playful kiss, one coloured with promise and one that fell to deep passion as gentle mirth gave way to more carnal designs. Glorfindel broke the kiss to draw breath but resumed it fiercely pushing up his hips, once again, and so I pushed against him and shuddered.


I called his name, with eyes closed momentarily.


Glorfindel growled, and I teased his parted lips with a tongue. His eyes brightened, then hazed with a familiar lust and I laughed as our roles were suddenly reversed and so it was I who was pressed into the mattress with a mighty Elf-lord seeking position between my legs. It gave me a proud kind of pleasure that I still remembered each of these small tricks that sent him wild.


Around his neck I draped my arms and we met to kiss again. Glorfindel bit at my lip and nudged his nose against mine, an eager demand. And so I gave him what he wanted, what I wanted, too, and pushed my tongue into his mouth to stroke his. Slow, achingly slow, was the kiss but so often is the ache better than the climax that we fed our blissful pain. His hands lifted my thighs to cradle his hips and he pushed against me, the heat of his cock against my own in time to our embrace and oh, I realised how much I had missed this, how much I’d missed him, truly.


Each caress of his tongue, each slow thrust of his hips was eliciting breathless moans of increasing volume from me and I might sooner have stopped my own heart from beating than silence them, but Glorfindel whispered for more and the very word, whispered wickedly into my mouth as we broke for air, was enough to draw out a low sound that was a plea for the very same; more.


Glorfindel withdrew from our kiss somewhat reluctantly and yet fell back easily to push into my mouth, one short, urgent moan enough to bind him to my whim. He smiled after a time and slowed our embrace to something vaguely chaste, whispering of how he other ideas but saying nothing else on what they might be though my mind wandered to most explicit images. Glorfindel laughed, kissed the corners of my mouth and then sat up and moved off my hips. He was tugging off my breeches, as gently as his impatience would bid him, and I shivered once I was adequately divested; he pushed his hands up my bare thighs, all the way up.


I watched him there by my feet, stroking with full palms the softness of my inner legs and bowing to press fairy kisses to my kneecaps, which he raised to his lips. His eyes were closed as he did so, his long, golden lashes that the candlelight adored. And from there his attentions went north. I closed my eyes and clutched fistfuls of my own hair feeling his first, hot breath upon my erection, freed to him and painfully untouched. He prolonged my sweet suffering with a churlish delight, stroking the length of me with just fingertips, watching me as though only mildly interested in my reaction, and teasing the head of my arousal with flicks of his tongue that never, never lasted long enough...


Until they did. He took me into his mouth and I might have instinctively pushed up, I know not, for blind pleasure consumed me and I voiced it unabashedly. Glorfindel stroked me, slow and fully, with one hand and used his wet, clever tongue to lap at my tip. I shuddered when he took me deeper, when he groaned his own arousal with me in his mouth still, when he licked up my entire length and pushed my legs apart in his eagerness.


But he stopped short of my climax, barely, and looked up to me with parted lips and ragged breath. I called his name (so often does it fall from my lips in our lovemaking) and called him back to me lest the sight of him there be my undoing! On his tongue I tasted the essence of myself, ever a strange experience, but we kissed eagerly without thought for aesthetic now, only again he cut our passion premature.


He pulled away, I sighed and made to move my hands to his face to persuade him to my lips again. But he was resistant to my charm. Glorfindel caught my hands and kissed the knuckles on each before setting them back down on my chest. He kissed the top of my nose again and smiled, brushing my cheek with the back of my hand in what I thought to be an unexpected interlude to our foreplay. But as the hand drew closer to my mouth and a finger of his sought entry; I understood and shuddered anew.


I held his wrist and took his finger into my mouth eagerly. Our eyes locked as I wetted him, he swallowed as he added a second finger and a third at my urging. I heard his bated breath and we watched one another eagerly, savouring the moment of calm before the undoubtable ravishes that were to surely come next.


I couldn’t wait, but Glorfindel had me suck his fingers longer, brushing the hair from my face with his free hand, a gesture of affection and reassurance. Whether he was concerned for the pain I might feel if we prepared shoddily or whether he simply was moved to arousal by the sight of my tongue curling about his fingers -- it is impossible to say, perhaps both? Either way, when I began to whimper impatiently, brimming with a need to be filled, Glorfindel took his cue. He shot me a most wicked smile before withdrawing his fingers from my mouth, slowly.


He retreated to his former position by my feet and pushed my legs apart.




With a kiss to my thigh to signal of his readiness, I relaxed myself for him and he stroked his finger, slick and wet, down and around my opening. He’s going to tease me, I realised, as he barely breeched me, and then again. I raked back my hair in a manner most desperate and sounded another eager yelp, Glorfindel met my eyes and then lowered them to my groin, focused now and my heart, if you’ll excuse the common phrase, skipped a beat.


A long, wet finger entered me. I moaned, gutturally, and spread my legs further and hoped Glorfindel would satisfy my need for him, for more of him to move in me. But he used only that one finger to curl and stroke and search and I reached down occasionally to guide him to where my pleasure resided.


He needed little instruction however, we had come to know one another’s bodies intimately during the long count of centuries had been and lain together but still he looked ever and anon up to me as he drew closer and closer; seeking affirmation that I gave as best I could with smiles that were hazed somewhat and dreamy. When he found it, that part of me that’d send us both to ecstasy, I grasped at the bed sheets and lifted my hips, an automatic response to being penetrated so well.


Glorfindel soothed the initial surges of lust with more warm kisses to my thighs, and pushed down my hips with a free hand and he used his other more boldly now, stroking me and asking if his technique was to my liking with voice deep and completely sinful. Of course, I could barely formulate basic sentences that were not punctuated with quaking breaths, and yet fortunately he knew to take them as yeses. He added his second and third fingers quickly then and I closed my eyes and felt pure, true heaven.


And yet it was only a pale ghost of what was to come.


I let out a moan, one ending in a high whimper, and Glorfindel couldn’t help the shivering breath that escaped him, either. He worked me deep and thoroughly and whispered yes and that’s it when I began to move my body, to scratch my nails up my stomach, my chest and neck and then push my fingers into my hair.


There was want in his eyes as he watched me. Good, I pushed out more breathless gasps to whet him and spur on his fingers that drove in and out of me with gathering speed and a touch of frenzy. It would be easy to spend myself thus, I knew, to simply watch him there with mouth agape and forehead beaded with sweat, to watch him pleasuring me so expertly with broad fingers and topple over the edge into bliss.


But there was greater pleasure to be had and pleasure which we might share more closely; and I deemed it was time. It’d been too long since we’d shared raptures with one another, after all. I gave him a mental nudge, unable to compile anything more sophisticated, and he slowed his rhythm and rode out my shivering aftershocks until he was pulled out of me completely.


‘Erestor,’ he cooed, sated and crawled over my body to lie at my side. He smiled and came close to taste the heated breaths falling fast from my lips. He licked them and then again when I stroked my tongue against his, and so we were captured in a new kiss; deep and noisy. ‘Erestor,’ he said again, and I tasted the name on his tongue, my name.


‘Take me,’


‘We’ve all night,’ he smiled, meeting each eager little kiss I bestowed upon him. ‘There’s no need to rush through the pleasures we might-’




I lifted my leg to brush my thigh over his still concealed hardness and slowly there I worked him and felt his kisses slacken, his eyes close and his sigh of temptation hot on my lips. I asked him again if he would not take me, if he did not wish to feel me and have me as he wanted, how he wanted...


‘I do,’ he said or growled rather, the carnal echo of our wedding vow and bit my lip so I groaned my joy. ‘I do.’


His passion was live, his dominance surging, and he sat up at the head of the bed and held his hand out to me who lay still resting on my side. His hand I took and sat myself upon his legs. One thing remained to be dealt with before ought else and that was the accursed breeches Glorfindel was still wearing so late into our coupling! I took my time with the laces, letting each fall between my fingers and bestowing looks of most filthy intent upon my fair Elven Lord who watched enraptured.


But it was my eyes that widened, my breath that hitched in my throat when I pulled free his substantial length. There wasn’t a moment to waste (none to spend wresting his breeches off completely, certainly) and despite Glorfindel’s earlier admonition, he neither balked nor complained not when I took him to mouth, no, in fact he rather gasped my name.


His erection was as impressive as the rest of him, naturally, and so some time it took for me to coat him liberally. I flicked my tongue across his width, held firmly, and sucked as hard as I dared the head of his cock. Each second it was not within me I deemed to be a complete waste and if what Glorfindel had said was indeed true and we had the rest of the night to worship one another, well, then there would be time for more thorough oral liaisons later.


I might have cried out with my need at that moment and Glorfindel sensed it for just as desperate was his own. Come, he bid me, and I positioned myself over his lap at his bidding, shaking with pent up anticipation come at last to the very brink of satisfaction. He adjusted the length of himself, he aligned us and smiled as I whispered into his ear pleas of have me and simple gasps of please. And then I felt it, his cock pushing against me and then I saw it, the glint in his eyes and words unspoken on the tip of his tongue.


We kissed, briefly, and then against his neck I rested my head; and sank down onto him.


Glorfindel stroked my back and neck and shushed and purred as I bit back the pain, bright and white hot splitting me to my core. He promised he would make it better and he promised he’d make it good and slow, how you like it, and I smiled through the uncomfort into his neck and beseeched him do it quick.


Slowly, slowly and carefully we started moving in perfect unison, chest to chest so Glorfindel might hold me close to him and push up ever more boldly into me. It hurt, oh, I won’t deny it, but such barriers much be pushed through in order to reach ultimate joys and I clasped his shoulders, perhaps too tightly, but he made no complaint and rubbed small circles on the flat of my back and whispered always how I’ll make it better.


And he did, I never doubted him for a moment. Sharp pain dulled and turned to aches, divine and increasingly hot. I pushed down to meet them and pushed down to better ride him, and he knew my discomfort was at an end. He whispered my name and I kissed the underside of his jaw before leaning back to look at him.


He told me he loved me.


And I said it back, and each word was a truth unto itself.


Glorfindel smiled and at first it was a sweet thing wholly uncorrelated to the fact we were deeply joined in body and spirit, but then it shifted as I began to move myself over him and set for us a slow, leisurely pace of lovemaking that was indeed my preference. I wanted to feel every inch of him within me, wanted him to fill me completely so I might rise up and plunge onto him again and again and so I did. Glorfindel set his hands to my thighs to bring me down to him heavier and my own hands I wove back into his hair for something to cling to as my body trembled.


Our breaths came hard and hot. My sight receded whilst every other part of me seemed to have heightened talent for feeling and we gave and took what the other most needed. Each thrust of his cock, wide and long, wrested from me the most ardent cries of more and deeper and so my voice spurred Glorfindel on to perform at his peak capacity. We would come together now and then to share shallow kisses of tongues and hazy smiles before I would succumb to mewls of lust and throw back my head.


Down my body stroked his hand, lingering on my nipples or over the flatness of my stomach. Hard I rode him, hard he pushed back and the sweat beaded on his neck and made him seem to glisten, but never did our pace quicken to anything more than a lingering, grinding dance.


He was groaning with exertion, a deep, low sound from somewhere base in his body; it had been too long for us both to expect any substantial longevity to our sex, I knew, but even if it were to be so -- I would provide whatever pleasures for us both that might be had. I bit my lip and covered the hand of his teasing the hardness of my nipples and moved it down my body where it might be put to better use. Glorfindel smiled and knew my plan but had one of his own to exact, lifting his hips to reach up long and deep within me, striking where I was most vulnerable to bliss, and for a moment my plan was lost as fire burned behind my eyes, I cried, I screamed out and when he withdrew from me -- I shook.


A God, whispered I, pushing my tongue into the warmness of his mouth, you are a God. And a God whose hands upon me I would have, hands divine to me as though they belonged indeed to one of the mighty and so I moved them, as I had originally intended, down and down and easily he let me guide him to my arousal. Glorfindel needed no instruction nor whispered word of longing to set his fingers about me, stroking gently to the rhythm of our sex and rubbing a thumb back and forth over the head so I laughed, a sound of a most frantic lust, and gripped a lock of his hair tight between my fingers.


How else might I describe the night we shared? It was union between two souls eternally bonded together in love and peace and more than that it was the celebration of a future unmarred, at last; we had a future that might be looked to with excitement! Blurred possibilities of what we might come to possess or achieve flitted through my head as we made love, visions of a life we might forge here in the land of tranquillity, but I lingered not too long on any one thing and what elf might who had the balrog slayer so deeply within them!?


But I was not going to last, and Glorfindel, when I told him so, bade me not worry as his own end drew near. I felt it, true enough, exhaustion looming but climax looming faster. We kissed, shakily for neither could claim stable breath. My moans become sharp, high things and Glorfindel closed his eyes, his face strained in concentration, and gave all he could to send me to my orgasm.


I gave in to him.


I called. I cried out and tossed back my head and felt my body shudder out its completion. Bells rung in my ears and I could not open my eyes as Glorfindel came not a moment later, filling me as I had so wanted, warmly and completely. He gasped so beautifully.


I drew a fractured breath and kept my eyes closed.




We moved together, still, helping the other through the tremors that always followed such heated sex. I set my hands on his chest, slick with sweat. There was a hale, healthy heart beating ten-to-the-dozen under my palms.


‘Erestor, love?’ When I opened my eyes it was as though waking from long, pleasant healing sleep, though nothing of the past hour or so had been a dream. Bare, joined and sated we were, both of us, and such a simple fact moved me almost to tears considering the turbulence of the weeks prior. ‘Are you well, are you okay?’


Glorfindel. My husband. I blinked to clear the haze from my vision, and never had he seemed so handsome to me, exerted utterly from our lovemaking and breathing raggedly. I pushed back his hair as I leant forward to rest us brow to brow.


He smiled, relieved.


‘My flower,’ said I, a thank you if ever there was one.


‘Aye,’ he said, in return, softly as befitted the late hour. ‘Yours.’

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