A Journey to Lothlórien by Ysilme

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In the evening, a festive dinner was held on the meadow under Galadriel’s and Celeborn’s mallorn.

Glorfindel had spent most of the day at the yearling’s paddock, getting acquainted with his new companion. Erestor had stayed close, watching, explaining, sometimes joining in the fun of playing with the yearlings. When the evening neared, Glorfindel finally broke away from Asfaloth, following Erestor to the breeding barn to help with the evening care. Later, they made a quick detour to the nearest bathing pool before getting ready for dinner, stealing a quick kiss now and then with a promise for more, later.

They were the last to arrive and were quickly brought to the king’s table, so dinner could be served. Glorfindel, who found himself sitting between Celeborn and Celebrían, was content to listen to the buzz of conversation around him, and enjoyed the nearly magical change his surroundings had undergone in the evening. It was fully dark now, and the lowest branches were hung with lighted glass globes in many colours, painting the scenery in a fairy-like light. Soft music played in the background, and night-blooming flowers scented the air. The food was as unusual as it was delicious, and Glorfindel felt himself relaxing more and more. Already, after the first evening, he had forgiven Elrond for dragging him away from Rivendell and, by now, he was truly grateful that he had come. Even had he not met Erestor, or been gifted with Asfaloth - just seeing the mellyrn, and being in this magical place was worth every effort.

Later, Glorfindel overheard Celebrían teasing Erestor about an upcoming journey.

“… and you will whom look after Elrond for me, will you?”

Looking after Elrond? Erestor?

“Are you travelling to Imladris?” he asked, surprised.

Erestor looked at him with a warm smile, but it was Celeborn who answered Glorfindel’s question.

“Did you not know Erestor is coming with you?”

“No.” Glorfindel shook his head. This was unexpected, but more than welcome!

“Amdír is gifting us with some horses,” Elrond now joined in, “and Erestor is bringing his experience in breeding. He will be our new horse master.”

“This is great news! Imladris’ stables can certainly do with new blood,” Glorfindel said, smiling warmly at Erestor.

“I am glad you approve,” Galadriel teased, causing the whole company to laugh.

King Amdír, who had only heard the last part of the conversation, turned to Glorfindel. “You must be excited to have your brother coming back with you.”

“Brother? I do not have a brother,” Glorfindel answered, puzzled.

Everybody at the table fell silent, looking from him to Erestor.

“You did not know, then?” Galadriel asked softly.

“Know what?” This did not make any sense. He looked at Erestor, who met his gaze with an unreadable face.

Glorfindel felt as if everything within him froze, and his brain became unable to process the information he heard.

“I do not have a brother,” he said hoarsely. “My mother died after we crossed the ice.”

The silence became nearly palpable. Celebrían fussed nervously with her glass.

Finally, Erestor spoke.

“My father came to Ossiriand and joined my mother’s people. He had lost his first wife, and parted with his son, my mother told me. He fathered another son with my mother, who he loved, but not enough to stay with her. He went back to Valinor when I was still a child.”

Something shattered inside Glorfindel. “Your father - what was his name?” He did not look at Erestor.

“Angrenor. My mother said I resemble him strongly.”

Glorfindel stared at Erestor, now seeing the resemblance, the shining black hair so much like his father’s, the cheekbones and mouth, and the slant of the eyes, although their colour was different, for his father had had the typical silver-grey eyes of the Noldor. No wonder Erestor had seemed so familiar!

Erestor still looked at him without betraying any emotion, but Glorfindel did not miss the hurt and fright in his eyes. But he was unable to, he -

Glorfindel found himself standing, without knowing how he had got up. He was hot and cold at the same time, and his head buzzed. He cleared his throat, just barely suppressing a sob.

“Forgive me, I - I -”

Overwhelmed, Glorfindel did something he had never done before in his whole life: he bolted. This was too much, he could not bear it. He turned and forced himself to walk slowly, keeping himself tightly in check, until he had reached the surrounding mellyrn. Then he cared no longer and ran away, into the forest.


Laurefindë! Laurefindë, come back. Running away is not a solution.

Glorfindel looked up, although there was nothing to see but the small group of yearlings, dozing or grazing peacefully. It was still dark, but the scent of the air had already changed, announcing the sunrise.

“I will never have my peace from you, will I?” he said bitterly, confident that she would hear him even so.

I do not want any harm to come to you, even if you behave so childishly and hurt one of my most trusted friends.

“He knew! He knew, and said nothing, and let me fall in love with him.”

And you had no part in this at all, of course, Galadriel gave back.

Her mental voice was cold this time, and Glorfindel closed his eyes. She was right, of course; had he proceeded differently with Erestor, taken his time to know him better, Erestor would have been able to tell. But he was too deeply hurt to acknowledge this.

“How could my father do this to me, Tanis? How could he betray me so, and my mother?”

You have no right to condemn your father because he loved again, Laurë. We do not chose who we love. You know well enough how painful it is to lose those you love, and remain behind.”

“Yes.” With a sigh, Glorfindel got up. Over the treetops, the colour of the sky had changed to a dark purple. He went to Asfaloth for a last hug before he returned to the city.


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