A Journey to Lothlórien by Ysilme

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Elrond halted his horse. Below lay the hidden valley, and it was only a few steps to the passage leading downward.

Glorfindel stopped at his side, waving the rest of their company on. “Home again,” he said.

Elrond looked down over his little realm, the glittering band of the Bruinen deep in the valley, so peaceful from above. They had worked hard to create this haven, which was growing and thriving and offered refuge for so many.

“This is not Gondolin, nor Tirion,” he said. “We have always made our own rules, and I am not going to change this now. I do not see any impediment to your love for Erestor.”

“I do not love him,” Glorfindel said stiffly, wanting to ride on, but Elrond held him back.

“No? Well then, what is the reason for you not even looking at each other, or avoiding each other at all cost?”

Glorfindel did not answer.

Elrond sighed.

“I care for you deeply, Laurë, but I also care for Erestor whom I have known all my life. You are both hurting, and I would do anything in my power to help you. I have talked with Galadriel about this, of course, as well as with Celeborn. They both agree with me. Your love might be unusual, but it is not impossible.”

Glorfindel shook his head. “We are brothers. Nothing can change that.” His voice was hoarse.

“True, you have the same father. But you were born nearly an age apart, you have never met before, and you have both grown up and lived in completely different cultures. For all intents and purposes you are strangers. Now you met and fell in love, which is a wonderful, precious gift. I would not have you spurn this gift, and suffer for something you did not choose, but that was given to you. Erestor did not choose it either, but he at least is ready to accept it.”

Glorfindel said nothing, but nodded slightly, indicating that he had heard. Elrond spurred his horse on, and Glorfindel followed him, deep in thought.

Their arrival was a turbulent affair. Most of Imladris was assembled to welcome them, although their small group had not even been gone for a season. Greetings and news were exchanged, the new horses admired, baggage taken away and refreshments offered to the travellers.

Glorfindel dismounted, thanking the groom who took his mare, and looked around. There, a bit apart from the other horses, was Asfaloth, led away by the person he was looking for. Asfaloth had seen him and whinnied softly, bringing Erestor to a halt.

Glorfindel joined them and gently petted the young horse. He sought Erestor’s gaze.

“I am a fool,” he said, “but I am so very glad you came with us after all. Can you forgive me, Erestor? I know I have made mistakes, but so have you. I would start anew, if you approve.”

Erestor looked at him for a long while. Then he nodded and took the hand Glorfindel extended to him.

“A new start,” he said, pressing the hand.

Glorfindel smiled.

~ finis ~

Chapter End Notes

Written for the Ardor in August Exchange 2015 for aprilmoon08.
Prompt: Requested pairing = Erestor/Glorfindel | Story elements = angst, hurt/comfort, love, warmth, happy ending. sex scene would be nice. I want Erestor to be the strong person we always see. I would like to see a bit colder Glorfindel, who is about keeping distance. I also like Glorfindel being the rogue. Would like to see incest in the way of Glorfindel and Erestor are half brothers.

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