Us Two by Grundy

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Fanwork Notes

Day 6 of Fëanorian Week 2017 - Ambarussa

Just to be clear, warning: character deaths and child abuse.



Fanwork Information


"Dior was slain also, and Nimloth his wife, and the cruel servants of Celegorm seized his young sons and left them to starve in the forest."

Maedhros was not the first to look for the missing twins. Nor did he ever learn that they had been found.

Major Characters: Amras, Eluréd, Elurín, Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:



Rating: Teens

Warnings: Character Death, Child Abuse, Violence (Mild)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 247
Posted on 26 March 2017 Updated on 13 July 2022

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Us Two

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That hits home, hard.

Of course the link between the set of twins has been made before, in fic, but this is different.

Reading the portrayal of Amras here makes me see his death in Sirion in a new, sharper light  (I'm assuming it's the same 'verse).


Thank you.

Yes, it's the same 'verse. (Most of my Tolkien stories are - otherwise I find it hard to keep track of what I decided applies to which story. Dancing in the Dark is the exception that might stand alone. Although now that I say that, I think I incorporated a detail from DitD into this without thinking about it...)

This is a real tear jerker. Not only for the actual horrible death of the two little princes, but also because Amras seems other, not whole, with a huge hole in his soul and that "otherness" is palpable. And hat's off to you for the tree :)

Excellent, emotional story! Thank you.

Very sad, very touching story, and altogether well-done. You write an intriguing portrayal of Amras; he's sweet-tempered and brighter than anyone appreciates, but there's a lack you can feel.

I'm fascinated by the dynamic you create between Amras and his older brothers. They love him but have no faith in him, and he knows it but is privately indulgent. They treat him so much like a child, and he seems so aware, that the older brothers come off as controlling. But this is from Amras' point of view; from theirs, it might look differently.

Two details I have to highlight and praise, because they capture so much: The line "I was twins once" and Maedhros chiding Amras for not having the sense to wear a cloak when we know the real reason Amras hasn't got it.

Thanks for the story!