Streams of Time by Leithriel

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A Friend's Resolve (Prologue)

Namo sighed in exasperation once more. It was bad enough that he had a determined elf on his hands, but the fact that said elf was backed up by his own brother made it ten times worse.

"Can't it be done?" Beleg insisted

"C'mon brother. You bent the rules for Beren and Luthien, why can't you do it now too?" Irmo pouted

"That was a one time exception." Namo insisted "I've made my decision."

"Have you?" a feminine voice cut in "If you don't let us do this, I will tell Feanor the real reason you doomed him and his house."

Namo stared at Nellas.......then stared at her some more.

"That won't work on me, o mighty Doomsman of the Valar." Nellas stated smugly

"May I propose another idea?" Irmo interjected "If you or Eru won't release Hurin and his family from the Void so they can re-join Beleg and Nellas in life, then maybe you could send Beleg and Nellas back in time, so that they can save them."

"That's.....actually not a bad suggestion, little bro." Namo hummed thoughtfully "Let's see if Eru agrees."

At his declaration, a cloud of shining white light appeared, pulsating. It and Namo engaged in a silent conversation with one another, before the cloud disappeared as abruptly as it had appeared.

"Eru says yes." Namo confirmed "It shall be done."

With that, he snapped his fingers. Beleg and Nellas disappeared from the Halls abruptly.

"Just wait till others hear of this." Irmo teased "You'll never live it down."

Both brothers looked up as they heard stomping. The source of it was someone they knew very well.

"How typical." Irmo said, dryly

"Why did you bend the rules for the sake of those filthy mortals, but not for us?!" Feanor demanded

" 'I'd bend the rules for you any time, Feanaro'." Irmo sang " 'As long as I have you to keep my nights warm'."

"That's not what I said!" Namo jumped up from his throne

"Then why did you make it so that he and his people would be able to die?" Irmo asked slyly "Or manipulated the events so that he'd be the first to kick the bucket, thus ensuring his body and mind would be unbroken by Melkor? And making sure he never left your Halls?"

Namo said nothing to that.

"It's because you wanted him in your Halls, unharmed." Irmo continued triumphantly

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