Streams of Time by Leithriel

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On the Battlefield

It was mid-spring when the first real danger happened.

A small battalion of Orcs had attacked. As the best fighters, Beleg, Mablung and Turin did most of the fighting.

Beleg personally killed the battalion leader, but then he laughed.

"You might think you have won." he said "But there will be others, and they will come in greater numbers. It won't end until Master gets what he wants."

"What does he want?" Beleg demanded

But the Orc merely slumped sideways, dead.

Beleg shared this conversation with Mablung and Turin.

That night, the three of them came together to discuss this matter.

"It's obvious that they want something." Mablung said carefully

"That they do." Turin agreed "But what?"

"I believe I know." Beleg said "But if I am right, we might need Thingol and Melian's help, for this might prove to be bigger than we could handle on our own."

"Then you should go and let them know." Mablung suggested "Turin and I will stay here and guard the borderlands until your return."

"Actually, I think both of you should come with me." Beleg announced


"So what did you learn?" Morgoth peered down at his Orcs

"They are strong, all three of them are." the Lieutenant reported "They completely decimated our battalion."

"Their sacrifice was worth it." Morgoth mused "For now, we know their strength, and we'll use it against them. Separate them, then bring him to me. I will see this through, one way or another."

"Yes, Master." the Lieutenant saluted, an awful smile appearing on his face

He left, leaving Morgoth alone.

"Did you hear that?" Morgoth laughed "There is no hope for you or yours."

"So you say." a sharp voice countered "But you won't succeeded. I promise you that."

"Beleriand, and everyone that lives in it are mine." Morgoth sneered "Their fates are mine to decide."


Once night fell upon Doriath, Beleg and Nellas met up with one another, and Beleg told her the news.

"Are you sure?" Nellas frowned

"Yes, so I am." Beleg told her "Morgoth is making his move."

"Then we'll make a move of our own." Nellas said

"It's time for Anglachel to be claimed by its rightful wielder." Beleg spoke

"Then we'll steal it?" Nellas gazed at her partner

"Tonight." Beleg affirmed

"Do you think Thingol would mind?"

"I don't think he would. He would be glad to be parted from it."


"About time you came back." Mablung teased

He and Turin were there to greet Beleg the instant he returned to the border camp.

"It's good to be back." Beleg smiled "That reminds me, I have a gift for you, Turin."

He removed the cloths, revealing the black blade of Anglachel.

"This is Anglachel. It was made by King's cousin, Eol. It's a fitting blade for someone of your skill." Beleg explained

Turin took the blade from him, and tested it.

"You are right." Turin spoke "I feel a connection of sorts with this sword."


"Welcome, mother." Lalaith greeted "You too, sister."

Morwen approached her daughter and touched her cheek.

"You're alive." Morwen uttered "I am glad....."

"I am glad too." Lalaith smiled "Glad I could see you again."

Nellas stood off to side during this exchange, not interrupting. Watching this family filled her with joy, reminding her of why she undertook this quest in the first place.

Beren and Luthien broke the status quo, so why couldn't it be done again? Especially since she wasn't King's daughter, so she was freer to choose than Luthien was.

"We meet again." she finally said "I wish to have a word with you, Morwen."

The two women walked away, side by side.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Morwen seemed curious

"I'll be direct." Nellas turned to look at Morwen "I am in love with your son."

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