Streams of Time by Leithriel

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Songs of Our Hearts

Today, the borders camps were abandoned. For today, it was special day.

It was the annual celebration, when gifts were given to Eru Allfather as a token of thanks for creation of his children, Elves and Men alike.

The inhabitants of Doriath were no exception. As such, everyone was invited to a great feast that took place on that day.

Thingol and Melian arose from their seats, each one holding a full glass of wine.

"Another year had passed, and the life our Father gave us is still ours and ours alone." Thingol spoke with fervor "Here's for many more years of peace and prosperity in Doriath!"

As if on cue, six Elves and one mortal stepped into the room. Each one was carrying an instrument.

Softly, they began to play. They were in perfect sync, which added to the quality and richness of the music played.

"Would you do me the honors of joining me for this dance, My Lady?" Thingol curtsied to Melian

"I would be honored, my Lord." Melian accepted the invitation gracefully

Afterwards, everyone present stood up as well, joining the dance. Everyone except Nellas, Turin, Mablung and Beleg.

"How about we follow their example?" Nellas whispered to Turin

"I am not sure if that's a good idea." Turin looked away

"It's been six months since we've been betrothed." Nellas reasoned "Six months since your mother gave her consent. There is nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Turin doesn't mean it that way." Beleg clarified "He's just terrible at dancing, is all."

"Says someone who loved my sister for a long time, but didn't have the guts to anything about it." Turin shot back

"Is this true, Beleg?" Mablung called out

"Yes, it is true. I am in love with Lalaith." Beleg admitted "But I'm not the only one. Mablung is in love with Nienor."

At this, Mablung's face turned bright red as he excused himself.


"Our wedding will be in August." Nellas told Beleg "If everything goes smoothly, it would prove that not all they would try to achieve will end in failure, thus rendering the Curse upon them powerless."

"Which is precisely why we have to be extra vigilant. Morgoth would do anything in his power to prevent that outcome."

"That's true." Nellas agreed "You can count on me."

"Likewise." Beleg promised

With that, Nellas retreated back to Doriath, while Beleg stayed in the forest.

"I am assuming you heard." Beleg spoke up

"Aye, we did." an Orc growled, stepping out of the woods

Three other Orc stepped out of the woods as well. All four of them surrounded Beleg.

"This is gonna be the wedding of my closest friends." Beleg whispered "The best moment of their lives. And if you try to ruin it for them, you'll have to go through me first."

"We'll be getting our quarry and delivering it to our Master." one of the Orcs sneered

With that, all four of them bared their teeth, while Beleg's eyes blazed with fury and determination.

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