Pages from the Archives of Cîr Imladris by Lferion

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Cîr.Im-7837-a3 | Oh, the word of the king may be law

Written for the Silmarillion Writer's Guild Law and Custom challenge, to the prompt: "'It is decreed by the king; but that does not make it so,' answered Elendil." ~ The Lost Road

Double-drabble text, single drabble note, not counting the headers.

Text of Cîr.Im-7837-a3

Oh, the word of the king may be law, if decreed as the Word of the King, witnessed, recorded, proclaimed, accepted. Among the Elves. For the Elves choose their kings, choose who they will look to as Lords, as leaders, as Kings. One knows a King by their healing hands, thoughtful judgement, generous heart, and Word that creates.

Among Men, it is not always so, neither the choosing by the people, nor the attributes of Elven kingship. Long did Elros' descendents rule after the manner and grace of the Elves, in greater and lesser degree, but not always. Nor are the ways of the Elves always the best fit for the governance of Men, who live to a different scale, a faster tempo. Our Songs may harmonize, but they are not the same.

And in neither case are Word and Law, Decree and Right Rule the same, or always (even sometimes) correct, true, the best decision or guidance. Nor - and this some of you will deem heresy, but hear me out - nor are the laws of the Valar always right, just, or reasonable: for they are not as us, nor as Men. We are not their subjects, but Eru's Children.

Archivist's Note:

Text found on a loose piece of paper, tucked into the back of one of the (many) Miscellany Books in Elrond's library. The hand does not match that of the book, but bears similarity of form, as if learned from the same school or teacher. On analysis, the paper proves Beleriandic, likely Dwarf-made, or made by one who learned the art from that people. The ink is an ordinary carbon-oak mixture, the pen unremarkable. It is not possible to determine location or time more precisely.

Some would, indeed, consider the third part heresy of the first water. Others ... would not.

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