Pages from the Archives of Cîr Imladris by Lferion

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Cîr.Im-759 | 482 First Age, Note in High King Fingon's Hand

Written for the Silmarillion Writer's Guild January 2021 Resolutions challenge:
The bonus prompt for January 3 comes from our True Leaders challenge from July 2020:

"I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear."
~ Rosa Parks

Double-drabble text, with a single-drabble note, not counting the headers.

Text of Cîr.Im-759 [482 First Age, Note in High King Fingon's Hand]

I am afraid. Of course I am afraid. Tomorrow we stand forth against the the Black Foe, the Destroyer, the Vala once second only to Manwë in might. Against his Maian lieutenants and servants, Gorthaur and his wolves, Gothmog and his legions led by others of his ilk. People, my people, people who have gathered here at Maedhros' and my word, Elves and Dwarves and Men will die on the morrow. People I love and care for, people I am responsible for will be fighting terrible foes, and battle is never certain. Maedhros or I could be lost, though I and he have taken what precautions and made what preparations we can against that possibility. I do not *believe* either of us will perish, nor do I fear it particularly. Neither do I think any outcome fated.

This battle must be fought. We have chosen our ground, the day, mustered our forces, hammered out a strategy sound and flexible, as any battle-plan must be. Victory is within our grasp, but we can hold nothing back, nothing must hinder me or any of us. I put away doubt, fear, caution; holding only purpose, skill, enduring love, steadfast hope: day is coming.

Archivist’s Note

A note in High King Fingon's own hand, dated by context to the day before the Fifth Battle, Midsummer's Eve 482fa. This is a small square piece of fine vellum, much handled at one time after being written. There are small salt-water stains, but the ink -- good quality carbon-oak -- has not run. The pen used for the calligraphy in the first paragraph was in need of trimming, and was trimmed before writing the second.

Of particular note are the small embellishments: stars of various numbers of points, including 8-rayed-and-pointed Feanorian, and a small line-portrait I believe to be of Maedhros.

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