Pages from the Archives of Cîr Imladris by Lferion

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Cîr.Im-4173-a-g | A: ~FA488 Report Notes, Push from Talath Dirnen to the Falas

Written for the Silmarillion Writer's Guild January 2021 Resolutions challenge:
-- Day 10: Bonus prompts are images for instadrabbling from the Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth challenge, Sept 2020. Image 9, Man-o-War Jellyfish and Image 14, Pitcher Plants
--Day 23: Today's bonus prompt comes from "Laws and Customs":
“Then the servants of Angband were driven out of all the land between Narog and Sirion eastward, and westward to the Nenning and the desolate Falas; and though Gwindor spoke ever against Túrin in the council of the King, holding it an ill policy, he fell into dishonour and none heeded him, for his strength was small and he was no longer forward in arms.”
~ The Silmarillion, “Of Túrin Turambar”

Double drabble text, double drabble commentary, not counting the headers

Text of Cîr.Im-4173-a-g | A: Sailing-Stingers and Pitcher-Plants

We drove them back, the yrch, the troll-kind, the evil-hearted trees. Fangorn was with us, Ent-lord, tree-herder: they dealt with the trees. We knew this action for respite, not victory, but did not fail to take advantage where we could. My riders and I were harrying a group of roa-yrch before us as we reached the Falas, desolate of people, but not of defense -- Osse had sent a fleet of bright sailing-stingers, and they did much of the final assault for us. Maentâl, barefoot as usual, was stung; he is healing, slowly. The yrch died quickly, stung, struck, or drowned.

Our return from that sortie was not quick, for we looked for stragglers and other troublesome leavings. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between a plant or creature that has grown defenses from the Enemy's assault, and one that has been warped to malice by the Enemy. The sailing-stingers are the first sort, as I think are the pitcher-plants, with their lidded wells of sticky syrup, eagerly luring venom-flies and worse of the second kind to well-deserved doom. We vanquished several laggard roa-yrch, a draug-yrch, and put a badly mangled and mistreated lesser were-worm out of its misery.

Archivist's Note:

This is one of several small sheets, loosely folded together, all with notes that appear to be part of a report regarding one group's efforts in the campaign instigated by Turin to drive the agents of the Enemy from the Talath Dirnen and into the sea. The writer was much interested in the plants and animals, and their observations, scattered through the various documents, have added considerably to our understanding of the ecology of that part of Beleriand, especially as it was affected by the influence of Angband. I believe the 'sailing-stingers' to be the sea-creatures the Teleri call Eithavainare.

This entire document-set was added to the Archive at Imladris late in the 2nd Age, when Maentâl Sílorion was intending to Sail. The mark of the injury from the sting was still visible on his foot and ankle [and he goes barefoot even now -- he has visited the new Archive] a testament to the effectiveness of the armament of the creatures. The pitcher-plants can be found in Aman, though nothing that might be described as 'venom-flies,' supporting the writer's assessment of them as the Enemy's malice. The writer is not named, though internal evidence indicates one of the Amanyar Noldor.

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