Pages from the Archives of Cîr Imladris by Lferion

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Cîr.Im-774-a-12r | Uneclipsed

Written for the Silmarillion Writer's Guild January 2021 Resolutions challenge:
-- Day 16: January 16 comes from the "Postcards from Middle-earth" challenge:
Image: Eclipse seen from the Moon
-- Day 18: Today's bonus comes from the True Leader challenge: "The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them." ~ Ida B. Wells

Single drabble text, single drabble note

Text of Cîr.Im-774-a-12r | Uneclipsed

Light cleans wounds of many kinds; true light. It matters little the source, as long as it is true light: Sun, Moon, Star, gem crafted for joy, lamp lit for beauty, fire for warmth, illumination, love. Even hidden light will serve: mistlight, reflected, refracted, eclipsed, creeping through the cracks to shine on wrongs to make them right. And sometimes shadowed light is the most revealing, the most healing. Colors hide in shades of grey. Astonishment at the edge of an eclipse. Brilliance, effulgence, extravagance of light may scour clean, reveal a truth in unrelenting beams, but kindness may shine softer.

Archivist's Note:

This text is on the back (hair side) of the same slip of parchment as Cîr.Im-774-a-12v, written in the same scribal hand, in the same carbon-oak ink and slightly frayed pen, likely at the same time. However the composer of this piece is not the same. The words chosen are more elaborate and archaic, the style much more formal. Unusually, the text is accompanied by a small sketch of an eclipse over steep and rocky mountains. The ink in the drawing is a reddish brown, likely burnt sienna.The artist may have been King Fingon himself, though this is not certain.

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