A Mother's Wish by Rhapsody

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Fanwork Notes

Written for the OSA Drabble Challenge #32: Left Behind.

Fanwork Information


Nerdanel cannot longer withstand a lament.

Major Characters: Maglor, Nerdanel

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Drama, Fixed-Length Ficlet

Challenges: Strong Women

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 100
Posted on 25 May 2007 Updated on 25 May 2007

This fanwork is complete.

A Mother's Wish

Read A Mother's Wish

There it was again, the lament carried on the wind, coming from overseas and determined to reach her. Of all that she bequeathed him, this was something he developed on his own. Over the years, his voice mirrored his mood. But she knew him, her very own Makalaurë, left behind on the shores on the other side of Arda. This time, she could no longer withstand it. Climbing out of her bed, and descending the stairs quickly, she ran to the sea facing east. Ignoring the cold water that surrounded her legs, Nerdanel started to sing her wish to him.

Chapter End Notes

Author's afterwords:

Makalaurë: Maglor’s mother name, gifted by Nerdanel

Source: History of Middle Earth book twelve: Peoples of Middle Earth, Late writings, XI. The Shibboleth of Feanor.

About Maglor’s singing skills:

The seven sons of Fëanor were […]; Maglor the mighty singer, whose voice was heard far over land and sea…

Source: the Silmarillion: Chapter Five – Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië

Maglor’s fate:

And it is told of Maglor that he could not endure the pain with which the Silmaril tormented him; and he cast it at last into the Sea, and thereafter he wandered ever upon the shores, singing in pain and regret beside the waves. For Maglor was mighty among the singers of old, named only after Daeron of Doriath; but he came never back among the people of the Elves. And thus it came to pass that the Silmarils found their long homes: one in the airs of heaven, and one in the fires of the heart of the world, and one in the deep waters.

Source: the Silmarillion: Chapter Twenty-Foure – Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath

About Nerdanel’s refusal to go with Fëanor:

Later, as Fëanor became more and more fell and violent, and rebelled against the Valar, Nerdanel, after long endeavouring to change his mood, became estranged. (Her kin were devoted to Aule, who counselled her father to take no part in the rebellion. 'It will in the end only lead Fëanor and all your children to death.') She retired to her father's house; but when it became clear that Fëanor and his sons would leave Valinor for ever, she came to him before the host started on its northward march, and begged that Fëanor should leave her the two youngest, the twins, or one at least of them. He replied: 'Were you a true wife, as you had been till cozened by Aule, you would keep all of them, for you would come with us. If you desert me, you desert also all of our children. For they are determined to go with their father.' Then Nerdanel was angry and she answered: 'You will not keep all of them. One at least will never set foot on Middle-earth.' 'Take your evil omens to the Valar who will delight in them,' said Fëanor. 'I defy them'. So they parted.

Source: History of Middle Earth book twelve: Peoples of Middle Earth, Late writings, XI. The Shibboleth of Fëanor.


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I like how there's almost a haunting aspect here, with Maglor's voice carrying on the wind, waking Nerdanel from bed...

I liked this line:

"But she knew him, her very own Makalaurë, left behind on the shores on the other side of Arda."

Both because it shows the relationship between them, and also because it's Maglor, not Nerdanel, who is being described as being left behind. I usually see the opposite, so this is an interesting change! 

This is thought-provoking, too. It makes me want more, to find out what each of them has been doing throughout the histories they lived through and aren't mentioned in.

I like the hopeful ending, as well!