what keeps us here...(prolouge)
i'm not an expert at this you know. hope you like it; please as i've said before, constructive criticisism does no evil. ohh and annariel its an original character.
Maedhros sat about his bedroom’s balcony, his red hair bound only by a little locket that struggled to hold the hair out of his face. He was looking to the stars with his bright grey eyes, remembering…Maglor knew best that expression about his face, he of all others, except Fingon (on some matters), knew his brother as some part of himself. He understood his pain and longing.
“You keep thinking on her, don’t you, toron*?” – asked Maglor making his brother aware of his presence.
Maedhros didn’t look at him, but replied- “I do, toron, as you well know”- his voice sounded harsh, he had not spoken in a while.
“I see you like this so often Nelyo, I’m starting to worry…..but I will never know what is that you really ponder with such expression” – said Maglor sadly
“I think of everything toron, every moment spent with her, how she looked at me, her touch, her laughter……but what brings pain to mi mind is how I left her; I think of this…” - he said showing his remaining hand clutched in a fist, and Maglor could see it relax until he showed one simple golden ring.
“Your ring.....”- Maglor whispered sadly, he knew how much his brother loved her and had wanted to marry her, until the oath came between them.
“Yes” – he didn’t need to say anything, for his brother, whom he loved, knew him well and was aware of his suffering.
He looked to the sky again and told Maglor:
“Usually what I remember the most are the first days I spent with her”
Chapter End Notes
* toron = brother according to "english to quenya translations" from the council of elrond
ill be writting more soon i hope but i've been busy please ( again ) review!!!