well this is the real first chapter as the previous one was the prolougue.i really hpoe you enjoy it. please review it if you like it( and also if you don't). there it goes:
Maitimo rode second to his mother. At his side rode Macalaure, his beloved brother.
"I'm exited"-said Macalaure-"we haven't seen grandfather Mahtan for a long while".
"A very long while, I should say"-replied Maitimo
"Hurry my sons, we do not want to be caught up here at the mingling of the lights, do we?" said Nerdanel.
"NO AMIL" said both elves as a chorus.Finally after a whole day on horseback they reached the dwellings of the aulenduri, where Mahtan worked and lived. As they approached the entrance they saw Mahtan walking towards them with radiant expression.
"Younglings! I've been waiting for you"- he said, happiness all around his face. He hugged them so tight that they could barely move."Hello father" said a happy Nerdanel.
"My daughter! Let’s get inside so you three can tell me everything."
They went into the house and talked to Mahtan a while, before they were called to dinner. They ate almost savagely, for the time on the road had made them hungry, but Maitimo's gaze was captured on an elleth he had never seen in all his years visiting Mahtan, he wondered who she was, but soon he turned his attention to his family.
After dinner they went through Mahtan's forge, while he showed them all the new projects and plans. But soon they grew tiered from travelling and went to their rooms.Maitimo changed clothes and submerged into bed, but soon realized he would not be able to sleep easily. As he could not see what kept him awake, he decided to sneak into the gardens and wait.
He walked silently through the house, barefoot, and went into the gardens. To Maitimo these gardens were one of the best places of the house, when he was still an elfling he had spent much time with his grandfather for they were very much alike in both personality an appearance, and his grandfather had brought him there, to those gardens, and played hide and seek with him until the mingling of the lights came and Nerdanel made them get in.
He sat about his favorite tree, an old red oak, and stared at the mighty stars of Varda. Suddenly he heard a low song, almost like a whisper, and thought it could be Macalaure, but as he grew closer he saw an elleth lying on a tree. He recognized her as being the same elleth he’d seen at dinner.
“You’re a good singer”- he said in a shy whisper.
Becoming aware of his presence, she quickly stood up, blushing, he had been listening for a while already and she hadn’t noticed.
“Thank you ……my lord” – she replied her answer even shier than his had been.
“Please, I’m Maitimo, I will be grateful if you called me by my name”- he said. He was tiered of everyone calling him “My lord”, he preferred being called by his own name instead of some title anyone could have.
“Oh, I’m sorry …..Maitimo, my name is Annariel” –she still spoke shyly, but with more confidence in her.
“I’m pleased to meet you Annariel, how come I’ve never seen you here before?”
“It’s because I’ve been here just about a month ago”
“Oh….. I see…….” He said intrigued-“would you mind my company? I cannot sleep”
“No, not at all….Maitimo. Why can’t you sleep? If I may inquire”
“I really don’t know it always happens when I’m far from home… I guess I’m worried about my father and brothers.”…he was surprised with how easy it was speaking to her about what he felt, he never had a problem speaking to anyone, that he inherited from his father, but he was usually reserved when talking about his feelings and thoughts.
“Then you have nothing to worry about, they’ll probably be safely in bed by now….I guess” she said.
“I hope so”
After a moment of silence she started singing again, even softer than before he arrived, so only Maitimo could hear her. He took a moment to analyze her; she had the typical grey-blue eyes of the noldor, dark brown hair and was taller than most elleths, in fact she reached to his chin, what was an achievement even among noldorin elleths who were actually tall. But there was something different on her body; it was more curved than most noldorin elleths’, which made her even more beautiful.
But as she sang Maitimo grew sleepier and had to take his leave.
“I’m sorry to leave you, but I’m getting sleepy and don’t really want to sleep out here”-he said apologizing as he stood up.
“There is nothing to be sorry about, I was thinking to do the same”-she said still shy.
“Well, then let me take you back?”- He asked courteously.
“…..thank you…..”-she said blushing a bit.
Maitimo accompanied her back to her room, which was in the opposite side of his at these dwellings, and gave her good night. He then walked back to his room happy of having met a new friend.