Longing for lost love by hugesilmfan

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Fanwork Notes

well, it's my first, so...what can i say?.... i hope you'll enjoy it. i was just wanting to give a reason why maedhros never got married ( at least that we knew) and the impact this could have on him if he indeed had loved and left.

Fanwork Information


after almost an age on middle earth many things still linger, and how could one forget whom one most loved and left behind?......   maedhros remembers and talks to maglor. 

My first silm. fan fiction ever ( actually my first fiction at all ) so please be kind and review. constructive criticism WANTED!

Major Characters: Fëanor, Fingon, Maedhros, Maglor, Mahtan, Nerdanel, Original Character(s), Sons of Fëanor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Romance


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Mature Themes

Chapters: 4 Word Count: 2, 456
Posted on 24 July 2007 Updated on 29 August 2007

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

i'm not an expert at this you know. hope you like it; please as i've said before, constructive criticisism does no evil. ohh and annariel its an original character.

well this is the real first chapter as the previous one was the prolougue.i really hpoe you enjoy it. please review it if you like it( and also if you don't). there it goes:

well i hope this story hasn't been boring to you, i wish you to enjoy it, and well here is the third chapter. please readd and review!

this is chapter four, i just hope you'll enjoy. and please keep reviewing

Comments on Longing for lost love

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

A proper review, as promised. :)

You have some lovely images in this piece: the "mighty stars of Varda" in contrast to the red oak is probably my favorite. Since you've asked for concrit (though please let me know if you prefer private correspondence), I will mention that I was a bit distracted by the dialogue because dialogue is (conventionally) introduced with a comma, as in:

"I love Maedhros the best," said Dawn.

This is just one of those nitpicky things that jarred me a little because it's just not what my eyes are used to seeing. :) Also, I'd suggest being cautious of sentences that have a run-on feel to them.

But I look forward to reading more. :) Maedhros is my favorite too, as you know, my imaginary boyfriend (just don't tell my husband! ;)

All the best,
Dawn F.

thanks again Dawn, i've tried to do the dialogue as you told me in the third chapter. i really hope you and anyone who reads it will enjoy it. i'll post more of it as soon as i can.


Author's Response:

thanks again Dawn, i've tried to do the dialogue as you told me in the third chapter. i really hope you and anyone who reads it will enjoy it. i'll post more of it as soon as i can.
