Till Fire Purge All Things New by pandemonium_213
Fanwork Notes
The title is derived from verse 900, Book XI, Paradise Lost by John Milton.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Sauron has a moment of doubt in the Sammath Naur. For B2MeM 2009: Day 15 -- The Ides of March: "Do I dare disturb the universe?" MEFA 2009: First Place in Genres: Ficlets: General Update! Illustration by the fabulous Robinka now added to the story! Major Characters: Sauron Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: B2MeM 2009 Rating: Teens Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 196 |
Posted on 15 March 2009 | Updated on 15 March 2009 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Till Fire Purge All Things New
Read Till Fire Purge All Things New
The circle of fire seared his skin. Casting tendrils of light against the stone vaults of the chamber, his creation hoarded subterranean heat -- this culmination of the temptation of beautiful minds, of horrific betrayal, and after much toil and many trials, what might be success.
This ring, this one ring – so simple but not complete; this ring, his ring – like a willing lover, its quiescent flame awaited his entry, its empty template yearning for him to define its existence. Its light burned his eyes, his fate engraved in its script. His whole body quaked; his guts twisted into knots of uncertainty.
What if it works this time? Do I dare disturb the universe?
He stared at the ring and the domes of blistered accusation rising on his hand. Yet the pain purified him, purging him of fear. He knew the answer. Cold conviction froze tepid doubt. He breathed in the acrid pyromancy of the mountain’s fires, his throat raked raw, but the words he chanted were the stuff of song, resonant with the thrum of the mountain and the thunder of the skies:
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul...and his mind screamed as it split in twain.
Chapter End Notes
Many, many thanks to Robinka for the fantastic illustration!
(1) Comment by Lilith for Till Fire Purge All Things New
Guh, ummm, wow.
Very, very well done. And since you've reduced me incoherent rambling, I'll leave you with some Milton you no doubt know well.
Into this wild abyss the wary fiend
Stood on the brink of Hell and look'd a while,
Pondering his voyage; for no narrow firth
He had to cross.
Re: (1) Comment by Lilith for Till Fire Purge All Things New
And you've reduced me to a fit of incoherent squeeing with those verses taken from one of my favorite passages in PL! Those verses are so bloody appropriate.
Thanks so much! This ficlet was spawned this morning over my second cuppa Tanzanian medium-roast. It may very well become the centerpiece of a chapter in Eregion (if I still have the energy and guts to tackle that). If that chapter ever materializes, I can see it titled "Into This Wild Abyss." :^) *Shiver* Milton has a way with words.
(2) Comment by Rhapsody for Till Fire Purge All Things New
Wah! Very powerful. At the start it feels as if he's teethering on the egde and then he takes the plunge with so much confidence. And somewhere in the outer voids, Melkor is screaming. :)
Re: (2) Comment by Rhapsody for Till Fire Purge All Things New
Thanks muchly, Rhapsy! Glad to know that you noted that moment of hesitation followed by that supremely arrogant confidence which indicates (my version of) Sauron is in character.\r\n\r\nIn my \'verse, Melkor can scream all he wants. No sound\'s going to get past that accretion disk. ;^)
(3) Comment by Moreth for Till Fire Purge All Things New
Very good indeed - if such an adjective can be applied here!
The two bits I really, really like are the phrase 'the temptation of beautiful minds...' and also the blisters on his hand. But every word in there counts!
And, of course, there is only one possible answer...
Re: (3) Comment by Moreth for Till Fire Purge All Things New
Thanks, Morgeth Moreth! When the dark muse is under the influence of good coffee, watch out! :^D
(4) Comment by SurgicalSteel for Till Fire Purge All Thin...
I wish I had something more coherent to say than WOW. Absolutely amazing.
Re: (4) Comment by SurgicalSteel for Till Fire Purge All Thin...
Thanks muchly, Steel! I hadn't planned on daily participation in B2MeM09 but this prompt was irresistible.
(5) Comment by Robinka for Till Fire Purge All Things New
I can see the B2MeM project is really contagious, hmmm? :D And I will only say YAY (what a rhyme...) for the themes that inspire such great ficlets as this one. Both poetic and vivid, scary (in a good way), mysetiorus, and simply a splendid work of art. Thank you.
Re: (5) Comment by Robinka for Till Fire Purge All Things New
Thanks, Binka! You know, I actually have a picture painted in my head of this scene, but executing it is another matter. Maybe once I complete my "legendarium" I should take a class or two to reactivate my art n' design sensibilities and illustrate my own work! :^D But for now, I'll just "paint" with words.
(6) Comment by whitewave for Till Fire Purge All Things New
A pivotal scene in Annatar's "existence" and you managed to paint it in a few words. Your Annatar just makes my skin crawl when you place him in scenes like these.
Re: (6) Comment by whitewave for Till Fire Purge All Things New
"Your Annatar just makes my skin crawl..."
Heh. As well he should. If he does, I am doing my job as a writer so thank you very much for that -- it's a huge compliment!
(7) Comment by Raksha The Demon for Till Fire Purge All T...
Ooh, savagely gorgeous! I'm not sure if anyone's ever written this great and terrible moment in M-e history, but you more than do it justice.
I loved the way you incorporated the words of incantation that are etched on the Ring. Wow.
As for Sauron; well, take ten million Excedrin and call Morgoth in the morning - or something like that.
Re: (7) Comment by Raksha The Demon for Till Fire Purge All T...
Thanks muchly, Raksha! Given the plethora of Tolkien fic out there, I'm sure this has been addressed somewhere, but this is how I see it fitting into the Pandë!verse.
(8) Comment by Robinka for Till Fire Purge All Things New
<< But for now, I'll just "paint" with words.>>
I have a firm image of this scene planted in my mind too. I will see what I can do about it. :)
Re: (8) Comment by Robinka for Till Fire Purge All Things New
Please allow me to squee! :^)
(9) Comment by Dawn Felagund for Till Fire Purge All Thin...
I have goosebumps! This is just wonderful, not happy-skipping-tra-la-lally wonderful, but dark and evocative and definitely thought-provoking wonderful. :^D That brief moment in the middle where Sauron shows that he has doubts somehow make the physicality of it worse in the end; it's so much easier when he's not sympathetic.
Beautiful writing, as always. :)
Re: (9) Comment by Dawn Felagund for Till Fire Purge All Thin...
Thanks so much, Dawn! Although writing a villain with a conscience and self-doubt presents its own challenge, I think it poses a greater hurdle for many -- but thankfully not all - readers.
Pssst..have a look at Binka's illustration of the fic. It's fantastic!
(10) Comment by Lethe for Till Fire Purge All Things New
What if it works this time? Do I dare disturb the universe?
He stared at the ring and the domes of blistered accusation rising on his hand
That is classy writing. :)
Re: (10) Comment by Lethe for Till Fire Purge All Things New
Hey. Who are you? ;^)
Thanks so much, Lethe!
(11) Comment by Raksha The Demon for Till Fire Purge All ...
A gripping and terrible story, worthy of this fateful moment in the history of Middle-earth. Excellent atmosphere/description.
I really, really want to see you write up the Sauron/Finrod song-duel from Sauron's point of view sometime...
Re: (11) Comment by Raksha The Demon for Till Fire Purge All ...
"I really, really want to see you write up the Sauron/Finrod song-duel from Sauron's point of view sometime..."
Be assured the dark muse has already nattered at me about that. It just needs to be properly translated to MS Word. :^)
Thanks again, Raksha!
(12) Comment by lindahoyland for Till Fire Purge All Thin...
What a wonderful vivid description of the forging of the One Ring. A great use of the Prompt.I liked this very much.
(13) Comment by grey_gazania for Till Fire Purge All Thin...
I don't know how I managed to miss reading this until now, but it is superb!